Published by Schwartz & Wade Books on February 25, 2020
ISBN: 044981291X
Pages: 40
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Mother Jones noticed children working long, hard hours in mills for little pay, and this made her MAD! She harnessed her anger, and led many kids on a 14 day march to protest the unfair treatment of these child laborers. This crusade led to labor law reform and better treatment for workers.
Though this book looks like a picture book, it is definitely for older readers — probably 3rd grade and up. The descriptions of the working conditions for the children describe injuries and imply death at times. The story is well written and gives enough detail to teach children about this revolutionary and to excite budding activists. The illustrations vary from black and white to muted colors to depict the time period. They also give the sense of the dirt and grime experienced by the children working in the mills. This book would be best as a one-on-one share or for an older child to read; a recommended purchase for libraries where biographies are popular or in need of rejuvenation.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME