Published by Kids Can Press on September 7, 2021
ISBN: 1525304860
Pages: 144
Genres: Humor
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Graphic novels are frequently the best genre to attract reluctant readers, Muddle School will not disappoint intermediate and middle students. The text includes the hope, concerns, and fears which dwell in the heart of most grade four students. Our lovable character appears to resemble the author in his past, at the very least Whamond is familiar with the situations and emotions contained in this very humorous graphic. As the protagonist develops more confidence and exhibits a positive attitude his year improves. Typical subjects are included in the dialog; bullies, first crush, making friends and strange family members all own a spot in the storyline.
My only critic is the use of only blue on white in the illustrations. The book would have been more appealing if there existed some additional colors. Add this to intermediate and middle school graphic collections and persuade public librarians to purchase Muddle School for their shelves. Students will be looking for more graphic novels by this author.
Submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME