Published by Candlewick Press (MA) on May 8th 2018
ISBN: 076368807X
Pages: 372

This historical fiction novel is about the young Queen Victoria of England. Victoria was kept in a safe and secluded environment as a child. All the characters are based on real people. The story is told from Miss V.’s point of view. She was the daughter of Sir John Conroy, an advisor to Victoria’s mother. Miss V. was sent to play with the young Victoria. The two girls shared the same name. The author imagines they may have shared some secrets as well. This is an intriguing story based on fact, but with a unique twist. The author presents what life was like at this time for the young Victoria in Kensington Palace through Miss V.’s eyes. The author is well acquainted with the setting since she is the curator for England’s historic royal palaces. The story will engage readers with its drama and eventual imagined outcome. Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish