Now What? A Math Tale

Now What?  A Math TaleNow What? a Math Tale by Robie H. Harris, Chris Chatterton
Published by Candlewick Press on May 14th 2019
ISBN: 0763678287
Pages: 32

A cuddly little puppy is the speaker in this math concept book.  Although readers do not know his/her name they may enjoy helping the puppy to construct something using a set of blocks.  Identification of the shapes, and using numbers to count are necessary within the story.   There is however no real plot or action that will pull young readers/listeners into the slight storyline.  The illustrations are line drawing that highlight the puppy and block but is devoid of any environment or background.

Now What? A Math Tale fits into learning results and the common core; it will be useful in a kindergarten classroom. Early grade schools and some nursery schools should consider for their collections but it is not a necessary purchase for public libraries.  For preschool children who love dogs and math, this would be a good gift book.

Submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME
