Published by Prestel Junior Pages: 40
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This large format nonfiction book is a beautiful celebration of all things fruit. It begins with text about fruit in general where readers learn that raspberries and strawberries aren’t actually berries at all—but bananas are berries! Each two-page spread features one or two fruits including one page of text and a beautiful full page illustration. The text teaches readers about the highlighted fruit: where it grows, how it is edible, history of its cultivation, and more. The information about the fruits is interesting, but the illustrations really steal the show with this book. They are full of color, whimsy, and each illustration is more than just the fruit. There are stories in each picture—where does the fruit grow, who enjoys eating it and how—and some illustrations even include references to historical fables. This book is great for those who love nonfiction, art lovers, and anyone who loves to flip through a big book. Recommended for readers 8 and up.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME