Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536214701
Genres: Realistic Fiction

Using child like illustrations adds enormously to the attractiveness of this picture book by Mary Murphy. She employs children, trees, birds, dogs, and fish as well as the planets to show diversity and self-understanding. Readers will be charmed by the human and animal characters who are being themselves and living their dream. The book is hopeful and captivating as it reveals some of nature’s most precious living things. Although some pages are full of creatures there is never a cluttered feeling. Individual children are shown doing their thing on full pages with lots of white space in the background. Color is used to its full advantage and movement is highlighted. The text tells about the wonders of this earth in which creatures and plants coexist and support humans.
Excellent book for families, children’s programs in churches and a must for public libraries.
Nominated for Cream of the Crop
Review submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME