on September 24th 2019
ISBN: 0374359563
Pages: 192

This is a book about ballet, fashions and sisters. The story is about 2 sisters, both want to be the best at something- one a ballerina, the other a fashion designer. Sometimes they get along and other times the don’t, a sibling relationship many readers will identify with. It is filled with facts about ballets and costumes from the past as well as how the costume department in a ballet company works. Loads of illustrations are sprinkled throughout the book. At our library there are so many young readers that are looking for books about fashion and fashion designers that this one would be a fantastic book for them to try. It offers some history, a solid story and an area of fashion design that many may not have thought of. It also describes all the work that goes into designing a costume. Grades 4 and up. Cream
Mary Lehmer, Youth Services Librarian, Freeport Community Library, ME