The Creepening of Dogwood House

The Creepening of Dogwood HouseThe Creepening of Dogwood House by Eden Royce
Published by Walden Pond Press on July 30, 2024
ISBN: 006325140X
Pages: 257
Genres: Horror, Suspense
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

An atmospheric Southern Gothic horror novel for middle grade readers. Roddie has lost his mother in a car accident and is bereft. He has been remanded to the state to wait for his mother’s next of kin to claim him. This happens to be his mother’s sister, Aunt Angie along with her husband Erik. The two become his guardians and who move him to his mother’s childhood home Dogwood House, which has been vacant and is in disrepair. Roddie never heard his mother mention this house or that  she fled from it when she was a young woman. But something is definitely not right in this creepy place. With a deft hand, Royce takes us along with Roddie as he is pulled into the dark horror of the creature who feeds off hair and takes over the memories of those it steals from. Strong adult characters who care for and listen to Roddie, along with a strong sense of place, make this hoo-doo-infused narrative a satisfyingly chilling read.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Falmouth Elementary School

Love Requires Chocolate

Love Requires Chocolate

Love Requires Chocolate by Ravynn K. Stringfield
on August 20, 2024
ISBN: 0593571541
Genres: Romance
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review

“Love Requires Chocolate” is a YA romance novel by Ravynn K. Stringfield. Whitney is a Black American teen who is doing a semester abroad in Paris. She has a huge list of must-dos while she is there, as well as creating a play about her idol, Josephine Baker. Things aren’t shaping up the way she pictured: her roommates are standoffish and her French tutor, an older French teen, Thierry, is grumpy and only doing it to end his suspension from the soccer team. They strike a bargain where Thierry will help her with her list and she will give him a good review to have him reinstated. Lots of fun scenes where we learn about Paris. I enjoyed Stringfield’s attention to the Black history of Paris. Some parts of the plot seem a bit rushed, but the book is a happy and engaging romance. An additional purchase for YA romance collections.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Louder Than Hunger

Louder Than HungerLouder Than Hunger by John Schu
Published by Candlewick Press on March 5, 2024
ISBN: 1536229091
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Fiction in Verse/Poetry
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Eighth-grader Jake is tormented by The Voice in his head who tells him to eat less, exercise more, and that he is unworthy of love and undeserving of anything good. He enters an inpatient treatment program at Whispering Pines Hospital where he refuses to participate in therapy sessions and resists treatment, continuing to rely on The Voice. In addition to anorexia nervosa, Jake is also diagnosed with depression and OCD and he finds himself in a one-step-forward, two-steps-back recovery cycle set in the late 90’s. The story ends on a hopeful note as Jake truly begins healing and sends The Voice packing.

This is a powerful, heart-wrenching novel-in-verse. Reading about Jake’s struggle as he goes back and forth between progress and regression is tough, but realistic. His issues with bullying, relating to his parents, self-esteem, as well as his close relationship with his grandmother will all be points of recognition for many middle school readers. This is a book that will stay with you long after you turn the last page. 

A letter from the author checking in with his readers and recounting his own experience with anorexia is included along with resources on eating disorders. 

Grades 6-8

Recommended for Cream of the Crop.

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York


The Girls of Skylark Lane

The Girls of Skylark LaneThe Girls of Skylark Lane by Robin Benway
Published by Harper on 10/01/2024
ISBN: 9780063311596
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review
Twelve year old twins Jac and Aggie move with their dads to Skylark Lane in Los Angeles.  The girls quickly befriend other neighborhood girls their age, including a girl they later learn is transgender. They join their unofficial softball team, even though drama often prevents them from practicing.  Things are going well for Jac and Aggie, but they start to realize that they don’t have as much in common as they used to.  They both have loving relationships with their fathers who are able to offer each twin advice and comfort.  This strong family bond helps them when they are forced to suddenly evacuate due to fires.  When they return, the neighborhood girls and their families rally together to support their friends who lost their home.  

This coming of age novel is told in alternating points of view of each sister. This story will resonate with 4th-6th grade girls who are going through puberty and experiencing first crushes.  The friendships the twins make are strong, and though there are misunderstandings, there are also apologies and forgiveness. This sweet and satisfying story is one of resilience, family, and friendship and would be great for any public or school library.

Reviewed by Lindsay Varnum,  Orono Public Library


Maven Takes the Lead

Maven Takes the LeadGirl Scouts: Maven Takes the Lead by Yamile Saied Méndez
ISBN: 0063317818
Genres: Emotions & Feelings, Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General, Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Middle Grade Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review
Maven is nervous to start 5th grade. Her best friend, Gemma, recently switched schools and now they only get to see each other at Girl Scouts. All of the other kids seem to start the school year boasting about fancy vacations they took, while Maven is self-conscious about spending all Summer entertaining her younger brother and cousins. Maven quickly befriends a new girl, Sylvie, and invites her to Girl Scouts, where Sylvie and Gemma hit it off (perhaps a little too well, leaving Maven feeling left out). In the classroom, Maven has volunteered to lead a robotics competition, which she does not feel prepared for (she’s more of a creative type, and definitely not an expert in robotics). She quickly gets overwhelmed with the competition, spending late nights reading robotics books she checked out from the library and fussing over robotics kits. Even worse, while the class is supposed to be a united team, it has unraveled into a petty competition of boys versus girls (and Maven refuses to let down the girls in her class). Obsessed with the competition, Maven starts neglecting her relationships. With a good look in the mirror, and some honest conversations, she works to repair her relationships, bring her team together, and be proud of who she is. An optional purchase, especially good for areas with active Girl Scout troops or if looking for series similar to the Baby-Sitters Club. Recommended for ages 8-10 (3rd to 5th Grade).

Reviewed by: Jenn Mead, Charlotte Hobbs Memorial Library, Lovell


Desert Echoes

Desert EchoesDesert Echoes by Abdi Nazemian
on September 10, 2024
ISBN: 0063339633
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review
“Desert Echoes” is a young adult fiction novel by Abdi Nazemian. The book switches between freshman year and junior year for Kam, detailing the start of his relationship with his eventual boyfriend Ash, and when his boyfriend goes missing, and then years later, facing the disappearance and accepting his emotions. Kam has amnesia as to why Ash disappeared. The book seemed like it was going to be more of a mystery, but it is mostly an emotional rollercoaster of Kam’s past relationship and tugging at your heartstrings as more facts come to light. At times the switch from present to past seemed confusing, but it was an interesting way to set up the novel. The book deals with a lot of difficult topics, like grief, abuse, and racism. A suggested additional purchase where Nazemian’s books are popular.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Lucy, Uncensored

Lucy, UncensoredLucy, Uncensored by Mel Hammond, Teghan Hammond
on October 8, 2024
ISBN: 0593814053
Pages: 252
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review
“Lucy, Uncensored” is a young adult realistic fiction novel by Mel Hammond and Teghan Hammond. The main character, Lucy, is excited about getting out of her small town and going to college to study drama with her best friend, Callie. When they visit the college, Lucy hears transphobic talk and wonders if she really wants to go here (since Lucy is a trans woman). They look into going to another LGBTQ+ friendly drama program, but the school is an all-women school and they don’t know if they will let a trans woman in, so they go on a road trip to see the college.

The book does a very good job making Lucy and Callie’s friendship seem real and well-developed. Readers may be stung by the transphobic and anti-queer comments that Lucy and Callie face throughout the book, but it did seem realistic and helped set the tone for why Lucy is looking for a place to be her authentic self. I enjoyed the theme that being yourself is important and matters and that true friends and family will rally behind you. A recommended purchase for YA fiction collections.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Diet Soda Club

Diet Soda ClubDiet Soda Club by Chaz Hayden
Published by Candlewick Press on October 8, 2024
ISBN: 1536223123
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review
“Diet Soda Club” is a young adult realistic fiction novel by Chaz Hayden. The story is about Reed, a teenager who has been taking care of his 10 year old sister, Beatrice, who has has spinal muscular atrophy (which the author also has) while their mother has been mostly absent. When their mom goes on an extended vacation for weeks and they are left without food and money, Reed finds a way to make some cash. Unfortunately, it’s illegally making and selling fake IDs.

The friendship between Beatrice and Reed wil inspiring and strong, despite all of the difficulties that they face. A story about siblings, family, and friendship, with well-written characters, albeit with some belief-suspending plot points, this is a suggested purchase for libraries where YA realistic fiction novels are popular.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Take it From the Top

Take it From the TopTake It from the Top by Claire Swinarski
ISBN: 0063321734
Genres: Emotions & Feelings
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Middle Grade Fiction
Take It From the Top

Claire Swinarski

This middle grade novel for ages 8- 12 is set at Lamplighter Lake Summer Camp, a residential musical theater camp for those with Broadway aspirations, and follows the friendship evolution of two girls over the course of six summers.

Eowyn Becker comes from a privileged family and has an older brother who performs on Broadway. Her father is often too busy managing her brother’s career to attend her performances. For her, camp is a place where the pain of her mother’s death is eased and she gets to reunite with her best friend, Jules Marrigan. Jules comes from a family that struggles financially, but her parents provide her with unwavering support for her dreams. This summer’s end-of-year production is Wicked, the girls’ favorite musical, and Eowyn and Jules earn leading roles as  Elphaba and Glinda.

But when Eowyn arrives at camp, everything is wrong. Jules will barely even look at Eowyn, let alone talk to her, and Eowyn does not know why.

Told in a series of alternating chapters that flashback to past summers, the girls’ story reveals how wealth, class, money, and privilege can adversely affect a friendship. The story contains frequent references to musicals and songs, which feels a little isolating and exclusionary to readers unfamiliar with the theater world.

4 stars

Reviewed by Lindsey Hopkins, Jay-Niles Memorial Library, Jay


Shadow Fox

Shadow FoxShadow Fox by Carlie Sorosiak
on April 11, 2024
ISBN: 1536228966
Genres: Animals, Fantasy, Magical Realism
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review
First of all, I would read anything that Carlie Sorosiak wrote, but this book was probably my least favorite of her books. Perhaps a bit too fantastical, bordering on magical realism, for my taste. It is told from the viewpoint of a fox named Shadow who lives near the shore of Lake Superior. (The front cover depicting Shadow is adorable.) Food is scarce. Shadow is thin with patchy fur and likes to steal shoes from rooms at the motel. Nan, the old woman from the motel, used to feed her, but Nan is gone and replaced by her granddaughter, Bee. Meanwhile, the island of Whistlenorth, accessed through a portal on Lake Superior, is the site of imminent devastation. The Night Islanders’ have destroyed much of the magic of the island which threatens Minnesota’s forests. Bee and Shadow bond together to drive the Night Islanders from Whistlenorth.  At times, I felt the environmental theme overshadowed the story. However, Shadow has a dry humor and makes for an interesting narrator.

Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library
