Shadow Fox

Shadow FoxShadow Fox by Carlie Sorosiak
on April 11, 2024
ISBN: 1536228966
Genres: Animals, Fantasy, Magical Realism
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

First of all, I would read anything that Carlie Sorosiak wrote, but this book was probably my least favorite of her books. Perhaps a bit too fantastical, bordering on magical realism, for my taste. It is told from the viewpoint of a fox named Shadow who lives near the shore of Lake Superior. (The front cover depicting Shadow is adorable.) Food is scarce. Shadow is thin with patchy fur and likes to steal shoes from rooms at the motel. Nan, the old woman from the motel, used to feed her, but Nan is gone and replaced by her granddaughter, Bee. Meanwhile, the island of Whistlenorth, accessed through a portal on Lake Superior, is the site of imminent devastation. The Night Islanders’ have destroyed much of the magic of the island which threatens Minnesota’s forests. Bee and Shadow bond together to drive the Night Islanders from Whistlenorth.  At times, I felt the environmental theme overshadowed the story. However, Shadow has a dry humor and makes for an interesting narrator.

Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library


Sir Callie and the Witches War (Book 3)

Sir Callie and the Witches War (Book 3)Sir Callie and the Witch's War by Esme Symes-Smith
Published by Penguin Random House ISBN: 0593711084
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

This third installment in the engaging and diverse Sir Callie series is another winner for middle grade fantasy lovers looking for queer and nonbinary main character representation. Symes-Smith grapples with very difficult topics, including discrimination, trauma, complicated families and more, in a way that is very real and appropriate for middle grade readers, neither shying away from these things, but also not including them just to drive a plot point home. A book that will circulate with current fans easily and a must-have for any library that owns the first two in the series.

Reviewed by: Jenny Martinez Nocito, Maine State Library, Augusta


Shermy and Shake, The Not-So-New Kid

Shermy and Shake, The Not-So-New KidShermy and Shake, the Not-So-New Kid by Kirby Larson, Shinji Fujioka
Published by Candlewick Press on June 25, 2024
ISBN: 1536219436
Pages: 99
Genres: Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Shermy is extremely excited to be a second grader! He thrives on being helpful and engaged with all parts of school so when he is asked to be a buddy for the new kid he jumps at the chance. It turns out that the new kid is not really so new to Shermy, it’s Shake, his summer friend from out of town. 

Everyone is interested in the new kid, Shake, and now Shermy isn’t feeling so special and more than a little left out. Through the stories in this title we watch as these two summertime friends navigate the hurdles of a new school year, a new grade, and the transition from summer friends to all year long friends. The tales included are charming, funny, and very true to life.


Ages 6-9

Reviewed by MaryAnn Lopes, Elementary Librarian, Lewiston Public Schools, Lewiston.


Sona Sharma: A Friend Indeed

Sona Sharma: A Friend IndeedSona Sharma, a Friend Indeed by Chitra Soundar, Jen Khatun
Published by Candlewick Press on 10/22/24
ISBN: 1536238163
Genres: Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

In this third book in the Sona Sharma series, Sona is having problems with her two best friends, Joy and Renu.  It starts when her teacher announces that they will be holding an election to choose the class leader.  When boastful Prandeep announces he is running, Sona decides to run too, in order to prevent him from winning.  Joy and Renu immediately stop talking to her and don’t tell Soma why.  As Soma prepares for the election, Soma is left to wonder why her friends are ignoring her. The next day, Joy volunteers to become a candidate, leaving Sona even more confused about what to do.  Luckily Sona is part of a very supportive family and she gets support and advice at home and eventually figures out the best way to proceed in this difficult situation.  Sona does a lot of self reflection and is able to mend the relationship with Joy and Renu, apologizing for her mistakes. Her friends also apologize, but there isn’t much character development with Joy and Renu, and their apologies fall a little flat. This book is ideal for readers who are starting to read chapter books.  There are black and white illustrations throughout the book, breaking up the text and giving readers a little more insight into life in India.  The glossary also includes Indian terms that are used in the story.  While this is the third book in this series, readers do not need to have read the previous books, as there is a description of the characters at the beginning of this story.

Reviewed by Lindsay Varnum, Orono Public Library


Bear and Bird: The Adventure and Other Stories

Bear and Bird: The Adventure and Other StoriesBear and Bird: The Adventure and Other Stories by Jarvis
Series: Bear and Bird #3
Published by Candlewick Press on September 10, 2024
ISBN: 153623544X
Pages: 64
Genres: Children's Beginning Readers, Emotions & Feelings
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Early Reader
Source: MSL Book Review

Bear and Bird are "bestest" friends and this is the third collection of stories from author-illustrator Jarvis about the pair. In this collection of four stories we watch as they navigate situations that most best friends do; how to help a friend when they are sick, The Hole, how to add a third friend (always tricky) to the group, and we go along as they embark on an adventure! Misunderstandings come up in the process and Bear, Bird, and Mole sort out how to work through them with care and concern for themselves and one another. Through it all Bear and Bird are always there for one another!

These stories are wonderfully warm with charming illustrations that carry the reader from one story to the next seamlessly. This would be a great book for emerging chapter book readers as well as a great read aloud with many opportunities for class participation (The Dance from story 1, would be a ton of fun) and engagement activities.

Suggested age: 5-8

Reviewed by MaryAnn Lopes, Elementary Librarian, Lewiston Public Schools.



WitchwoodWitchwood (Ravenfall #3) by Kalyn Josephson
Series: Ravenfall #3
Published by Delacorte Press on October 1, 2024
ISBN: 0593708822
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

In this third installment of Kalyn Josephson’s Ravenfall series, best friends Anna, a witch,  and Colin, a Raven, have a mystery to solve in Witchwood. They must figure out who is kidnapping witches in the magical town of Witchwood and how to stop them before Anna becomes the next victim.  When they arrive in town, they stay with Anna’s Aunt Miriam and cousin Leah, who Anna has never met before.  Initially Anna and Leah don’t hit it off.  Leah seems jealous of Anna’s magical abilities while also looking down at her because she doesn’t know much about their shared Jewish heritage.  Meanwhile, Colin must face his own insecurities as people in town are suspicious because he is a Raven and he doesn’t feel prepared for this first solo Raven mission.  The trust the three teenagers slowly build is put to the test when Aunt Miriam is captured.  In their attempt to rescue her, they are put in dangerous situations, fighting strong magical strangers and others they thought were friends.  They are forced to put all of their newfound magical skills to the test in order to save Leah’s mom and the other witches who have gone missing.

Upper elementary readers who enjoyed the first two books in the series will no doubt enjoy this one as well.  The suspense builds as witches continue to go missing, culminating in some intense action scenes at the end of the book when Anna, Colin, and Leah battle vindictive and vengeful creatures. The fantasy elements are believable, the characters are well-rounded, and the inclusion of Jewish folklore and religious elements adds a unique element to this novel.

Reviewed by Lindsay Varnum, Orono Public Library


The Glass Girl

The Glass GirlThe Glass Girl by Kathleen Glasgow
on October 1, 2024
ISBN: 0525708081
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review

“The Glass Girl” is a teen/YA realistic fiction novel by Kathleen Glasgow. Bella is a fifteen-year-old with an alcohol problem. She started drinking at age 11 and has gotten very good at getting adults to purchase her alcohol outside liquor stores. She thinks that drinking is the way to deal with her past traumas, but when she ends up in the hospital for alcohol poisoning, her mom sends her to an outdoor rehab program.

This story obviously contains heavy topics like addiction, emotional trauma, and rehab. Bella’s character is very well crafted and will make the reader hope for the best. Lots of setbacks, but an overall message of hope, this is a recommended purchase for YA collections where realistic fiction is popular.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbook, ME.


The Frindle Files

The Frindle FilesThe Frindle Files by Andrew Clements
on August 27, 2024
ISBN: 0399557636
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Frindle lovers will enjoy this many-years in the future sequel (and won’t need to read Frindle first to enjoy the Frindle Files). Josh is frustrated that his ELA teacher does not use, or allow the use of technology, in his class. All homework assignments are hand-written and each student must bring their Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style book – not the ebook – to class every day. When Josh’s pen runs out of ink, he borrows one from his mom. The pen has the mysterious word “frindle” printed on it which leads to a google search about that time when a student coined the word frindle and it became somewhat of a viral event. The more Josh learns about frindles, the more he suspects his teacher knows all about frindles and sets out to prove it. Josh is a coder and finds it hard to let go of technology in ELA class and when he downloads an ebook version of The Elements of Style, it quickly becomes clear he has downloaded a pirated and typo-riddled version. There is an interesting juxtaposition between the rules for writing (Elements of Style) and the rules for coding (Python) and binary code scattered throughout the book translates into a secret message. Josh and his classmates rediscover Charlotte’s Web when they realize the connection to The Elements of Style.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Farrah Noorzad and the Ring of Fate

Farrah Noorzad and the Ring of FateFarrah Noorzad and the Ring of Fate by Deeba Zargarpur
on July 2, 2024
ISBN: 0593564413
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Farrah’s father visits her one day each year and her parents steadfastly refuse to explain why she never can visit him or why they only see each other annually. During his latest visit, they spend time rock-climbing and hiking. After the hike, her father hands her a box containing a ring and asks her if she would make a wish if she knew an object gave her the power to make the wish come true. When she holds the ring she is thinking about her father and her family and he suddenly disappears. Evidently Farrah’s wish causes her father to become trapped in the ring. This allowed a boy to escape from the ring and with the boy’s help, she embarks on a journey to rescue her father by traveling to his jinn world. Her journey is also one of self-discovery where she finally learns more about who she is. This is a terrific middle-grade fantasy novel that deftly balances the real world with the world of the jinn. The book may be a little long for some readers and the ending will leave readers wanting more. Hopefully a sequel is in the works.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Beti and the Little Round House

Beti and the Little Round HouseBeti and the Little Round House by Atinuke, Emily Hughes
Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536225185
Genres: Adventure, Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Beti and the Little Round House

Words by Atinuke

Illustrated by Emily Hughes

This book is a collection of four illustrated short stories, one for each season, about a young girl named Beti who lives with her family in a roundhouse in Wales. Young readers who dream of building forts in the woods from found materials in nature will be inspired by Beti’s home; her round house is constructed from thick earth walls, with tree trucks holding up the grassy roof. Beti’s family lives simply- growing and foraging their food, filling water jugs from the nearby stream, and caring for their chickens and horses. Beti, often accompanied by her baby goat, Naughty, turns everyday chores into adventures. Even though Beti may live differently than us, she still has many experiences to which young readers can easily relate; she gets into trouble with her friends, faces consequences of her mistakes, and confronts her fears. The author includes book recommendations for those who wish to learn more about roundhouses, or maybe even attempt to build one. Reading age: 7-9 years, grade level: 2-4.

3 stars

Reviewed by Lindsey Hopkins, Jay-Niles Memorial Library, Jay
