The Age of Dinosaurs

The Age of DinosaursThe Age of Dinosaurs: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Most Remarkable Animals by Steve Brusatte
Published by Quill Tree Books on March 2, 2021
ISBN: 0062930176
Pages: 272
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Dinosaur enthusiasts, rejoice! This middle grade nonfiction book is full of up-to-date dinosaur facts and revelations. The book dives as deep as musculoskeletal structure of T. rex skulls but does so in a way that makes it accessible and not overwhelming. There’s a lot about the history of paleontology as well as newer discoveries. Throughout, things are put into easy-to-understand perspectives. For example, T. rex was the size of a bus, but its front legs (arms?) were the size of kitchen spatulas. These sorts of fun facts will have young readers looking for more and running to tell everyone what they’ve just learned. Even the most enthusiastic dinosaur lover is likely to learn something with this book. Recommended for readers 4th grade and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


VIP: Dr. Mae Jemison

VIP: Dr. Mae JemisonVIP: Dr. Mae Jemison: Brave Rocketeer by Heather Alexander
Published by HarperCollins on January 5, 2021
ISBN: 006297808X
Pages: 128
Genres: Biography/Autobiography, Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This is a very well done young middle grade biography of the first Black woman in space, Dr. Mae Jemison. It starts with Mae’s humble childhood and takes the reader through her medical education, her trip to space, and her work after retiring from NASA. The writing is simple and easy to follow, at times reading a bit younger than the intended audience. There are also details included that may be obvious to a reader third grade and older (a definition of gravity, for example). Throughout, there are illustrations reminiscent of some graphic novels that will appeal to readers and keep them engaged. The book is also dotted with quizzes and fun lists of facts that young readers will enjoy. This is a wonderful new biography series. Recommended for readers 2nd grade and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


The Stanley Cup Playoffs: The Quest for Hockey’s Biggest Prize

The Stanley Cup Playoffs: The Quest for Hockey’s Biggest PrizeThe Stanley Cup Playoffs: The Quest for Hockey's Biggest Prize by Matt Doeden
Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) ISBN: 1541578384
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Author Doeden presents the history and glory of the Stanley Cup, the ultimate championship played at the end of the season in the National Hockey League. Hockey fans will love reading about the greatest games and upsets, and the moment that make the game so thrilling. There is a short concluding chapter about the future of the game and the controversy of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) due to repeated trauma to the head, which occurs with repeated concussions. End matter includes Stanley Cup Champions list, Source Notes, a glossary, bibliography, and index. The titles in this Millbrook Press series are high interest and well-done. For grades 2-5.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Once Upon a Fairy Tale Craft

Once Upon a Fairy Tale CraftOnce Upon a Fairy Tale Craft by Annalees Lim, Supriya Sahai
Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on August 1, 2019
ISBN: 1541558774
Pages: 32
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This is book in a series of crafting books from Lerner. The books are library bound, so they should hold up to wear and tear of little hands creating the fun projects inside. There are some terrific craft ideas for PreK–elementary-aged kids. The book boasts over 20 activities, and there are, but  it really walks a reader through hosting a themed party with and through these activities, from costumes to invitations to crafts and games and food for the party. The book is also peppered with facts about characters and story lines from familiar fairy tales. This reviewer found this one more gender-specific in the illustrations than the medieval craft book with boys as knights, dragons, wizards, and trolls, and girls as mermaids and fairies. But the illustrations are cartoonlike and if these are solely reflective of the stories from which the craft originates, it makes sense (i.e. the little mermaid is a female and Merlin is a male, etc.). Seems like when showing a craft to a modern-day audience, the child in the illustration associated with the craft could have been more neutral. If you have a large craft section and crafters who enjoy checking out themed books, these would be great for your library. They are not inexpensive, so it might be best to just get the titles that would resonate most with your patrons. The other themes are dinosaurs, medieval, pirates, robots and aliens, and animals.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Once Upon a Medieval Craft

Once Upon a Medieval CraftOnce Upon a Medieval Craft by Annalees Lim, Supriya Sahai
Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on August 1, 2019
ISBN: 1541558790
Pages: 32
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This is book in a series of crafting books from Lerner. The books are library bound, so they should hold up to wear and tear of little hands creating the fun projects inside. There are some terrific craft ideas for PreK–elementary-aged kids. The book boasts over 20 activities, and there are, but  it really walks a reader through hosting a themed party with and through these activities, from costumes to invitations to crafts and games and food for the party. The book is also peppered with facts about characters from medieval times, knights, jesters, royals as well as activities like jousting and archery. If you have a large craft section and crafters who enjoy checking out themed books, these would be great for your library. They are not inexpensive, so it might be best to just get the titles that would resonate most with your patrons. The other themes are dinosaurs, fairy tales, pirates, robots and aliens, and animals.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


While I was Away

While I was AwayWhile I Was Away by Waka T. Brown
Published by Quill Tree Books on January 26, 2021
ISBN: 0063017113
Pages: 320
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

“While I was away” by Waka T. Brown is a middle grade memoir about the author’s time spent in a Japanese school one summer. Waka is in sixth grader living in Kansas, and is looking forward to her summer vacation with her friends. Her Japanese mother is unhappy with Waka’s Japanese fluency and decides to send her to Japan by herself to stay with her grandmother and go to Japanese school all summer long. The book starts with Waka’s hilarious attempts to convince her parents that she doesn’t need to go to Japan, but the bulk of the book is about Waka’s time in Japan both at school and living with her stern grandmother.

Waka’s journey to find inner strength and a connection with her grandmother is told in the first person, and you feel as if you are hearing the story directly from Waka. You can feeI what she is feeling. I was nervous that her arrival in Japan would be the start of nothing but bad experiences for her until she got more fluent, but the story focuses on both her failures and her successes from the beginning: though she makes mistakes in her speaking and writing classes, she is a star in PE, unlike in America where she is considered smart, but not athletic.

A heartfelt and at times very funny memoir of her time spent in sixth grade in Japan, this book is a welcome addition to your middle grade collection. Tweens and teens who like realistic fiction and biographies will enjoy Waka’s journey.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook.


Space Encyclopedia

Space EncyclopediaSpace Encyclopedia: A Tour of Our Solar System and Beyond by David A. Aguilar, Patricia Daniels
Published by National Geographic Kids on November 3, 2020
ISBN: 1426338562
Pages: 208
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Space enthusiasts rejoice! David Aguilar is back with another gorgeous tome of space facts and fun. This is the second edition of this National Geographic book, and it includes more up to date findings and knowledge of space as well as our space travel efforts. It is separated into sections regarding what we know and where we’re going. It also includes an in depth tour of the solar system. The book is chock full of stunning space photography, artist renditions of space, as well as fun infographics and sidebars with extra facts. Space enthusiasts will not be disappointed with this newest edition. Recommended for readers 8 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


The Coolest Stuff on Earth

The Coolest Stuff on EarthThe Coolest Stuff on Earth: A Closer Look at the Weird, Wild, and Wonderful by Brenda Scott Royce
Published by National Geographic Kids on November 3, 2020
ISBN: 1426338589
Pages: 192
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This National Geographic book is loaded with information that will wow readers of all ages. Dolphins have their own language and call each other by name. There are beetles that shoot chemicals that are heated up to 100 degrees at potential predators. It is separated into sections—animals, history, technology, sports, etc. There are loads of gorgeous photographs throughout, as one would expect from National Geographic. The book is also full of interesting sidebars and infographics. Recommended for readers 8 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Kids vs. Plastic

Kids vs. PlasticKids vs. Plastic: Ditch the straw and find the pollution solution to bottles, bags, and other single-use plastics by Julie Beer
Published by National Geographic Kids on December 1, 2020
ISBN: 1426339100
Pages: 128
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This is a great overview of the effects that plastics have on our environment. It includes some easy, real life examples of small steps kids and their families can take to reduce plastic use and thus, the plastic waste they generate. There are compelling photographs, infographics, sidebars, and stories throughout that will inspire readers to assess their reliance on plastics. Recommended for readers 8 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, ME


You Call This Democracy?: How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People

You Call This Democracy?: How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the PeopleYou Call This Democracy?: How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People by Elizabeth Rusch
on March 31, 2020
ISBN: 0358176921
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

You Call This Democracy? is an accessible examination of America’s government. Rusch tackles this topic in a measured  yet impassioned voice and makes clear that while we do enjoy many important freedoms in the United States, our democracy is broken and we have the power to change it.

Twelve chapters cover issues such as gerrymandering, money in politics, voter disenfranchisement, and more. Examples of these issues are representative of both sides of the aisle giving balance to otherwise polarizing topics. Graphics help to break up the text and provide strong visualization of heavy information. Each chapter ends by telling teens what they can do to take action, allowing this book to not just teach, but to inspire our young citizens to get involved and make real change. Sections for further reading and source information are included.

Recommended for grades 6 and up.

Nominated for Cream of the Crop.

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York
