Tiger Time – True Tales of Rescue

Tiger Time – True Tales of RescueTiger Time by Kama Einhorn
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on October 29th 2019
ISBN: 1328767078
Pages: 144

This tale of life in an animal sanctuary is told from the point of view of Kamal the tiger.  Kamal, along with 500 big cats and other animals, live at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado.

This is a very colorful book with lots of photos and brief chapters outlining the rescue, recovery, rehabilitation and “release” of animals.   The goal of the sanctuary is to enable animals to live out their life, healthy and happy, in as natural a habitat as possible.

The author runs the sanctuary, and is very much opposed to zoos, circuses and shows.  I agree that animal “acts” in circuses and shows should be a thing of the past, but I have a problem with the sweeping generalizations applied to all shows and zoos.  Modern zoos and educational animal presentations have a place in the world. IF done properly and humanely, they help to educate and motivate the children and visitors to protect our environment and these endangered animals.

The chapters can be a little difficult to follow.  The author, speaking as Kamal, jumps to talking about other animals in the sanctuary and then jumps back to talking about the tiger issues.  I often found myself going back a page to see if I missed a heading or chapter change.

This book is very long; it took me quite a few sittings to get through. The audience it is aiming at is grades 4- 6.  There is a glossary, bibliography and index in the back of the book.  This small 140- page hardcover is durable, with lots of photos and text boxes, and is fairly easy to read.

This is not a bad book, but I would not recommend it, as I don’t feel it is balanced well.   I believe the author shows her bias for sanctuaries, and possible non-involvement with modern zoos.

Reviewed By Irene Hall, Witherle Memorial Public Library, Castine


Go, Goats!

Go, Goats!Go, Goats! by Kama Einhorn
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on October 29th 2019
ISBN: 132876706X
Pages: 144

I love goats so much. I love their attitudes and their eyes and how they head butt each other to get food at petting zoos. This book informed me that despite loving goats, I actually didn’t know much about them. I also didn’t know anything about animal rescue and rehabilitation. The book is written from the point of view of an elderly female goat named Lucia. She describes daily life and the challenges caretakers face when trying to rehabilitate rescued animals. It’s surprisingly engaging and I have a whole new appreciation for rescued animals and those who help them. Go, Goats! Is compassionate, affectionate, funny, and doesn’t shy away from the sadness that can accompany these rescues. It would be great for older kids to read alone but I think younger children would love it too and it would be a real benefit to a classroom unit about goats or animal care in general.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath


The Far Away Brothers: Two Teenage Immigrants Making a Life in America

The Far Away Brothers: Two Teenage Immigrants Making a Life in AmericaThe Far Away Brothers (Adapted for Young Adults): Two Teenage Immigrants Making a Life in America by Lauren Markham
Published by Delacorte Press on August 20th 2019
ISBN: 1984829777
Pages: 288

In this young adult adaptation of the title by the same name, author Markham tells the tale of twin brothers, Ernesto and Raul Flores, who made the arduous and terrifying journey from El Salvador to the United States. Ending up on the wrong side of the infamous MS-13 gang, Ernesto’s life was in severe danger and the only way out was escaping to el Norte (United States). Getting as far as Mexico, Ernesto finds that Raul is to join him, as Ernesto’s identical twin he is now being mistaken for Ernesto so he is also in danger.

Markham is not only a journalist, but an English teacher at the Oakland (CA) International High School, where she met the boys and describes the legal process that they and many other undocumented youths have to go through not to be deported back to the hell and violence that they escaped from. Informational text at the end of the book discusses the historical context of immigration and provides thoughts and ideas about how this crisis might possibly be resolved.

Recommended for grades 8 and up and highly recommended for all book shelves.

Reviewed by Kristin Taylor,  Biddeford High School, Biddeford.


Crossing on Time Steam Engines, Fast Ships, and A Journey o the New World

Crossing on Time Steam Engines, Fast Ships, and A Journey o the New WorldCrossing on Time: Steam Engines, Fast Ships, and a Journey to the New World by David Macaulay
Published by Roaring Brook Press on May 7th 2019
ISBN: 1596434775
Pages: 128

In David Macaulay’s newest book we learn through text and illustrations how scientists and others improved methods for creating power that lead to the development of the steam engine, that lead to faster and more reliable boat travel. The illustrations explaining the development of these engines are beautiful and well detailed.

Reviewed by Melissa Madigan



HorsesHorses: The Definitive Catalog of Horse and Pony Breeds by Scholastic Inc.
Published by Scholastic Inc. on February 26th 2019
ISBN: 1338360817
Pages: 208

A stunningly photographed catalog of the more than 150 horse and pony breeds in the world, this book is a horse-lover’s dream. The book starts with a history of the relationship between humans and horses and explains the variation of size and category of horses. The book separates out horses into Light Horses, Ponies, and Heavy Horses and ends with a section on caring for horses. It is jam-packed with facts and cultural tidbits. There is an extensive glossary, a fantastic table of contents, and an index. The biggest drawback of the book is its size. It is printed in a large format, which could be difficult for little hands, but since this allows for more and larger photographs, this is not really a ding against the book. A wonderful addition to any public or school library collection.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Little Monsters of the Ocean: Metamorphosis Under the Waves

Little Monsters of the Ocean: Metamorphosis Under the WavesLittle Monsters of the Ocean: Metamorphosis Under the Waves by Heather L Montgomery
Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541528980
Pages: 56

Intriguing, alluring, compelling and instantly satisfying, Little Monsters of the Ocean is bound to become a favorite of young budding marine biologist.  The text is composed of scientific terminology yet there is humor that will please intermediate and middle level students.  Using the scientific theory, Montgomery asks questions throughout the book which make the students think deeper.  Those students who possess an interest in microscopic animal life will dive directly into the introduction which identifies the six small monsters.

Full page illustrations are amazing while the specific color background selected enhances each animal.  Text blocks offer information which may be viewed as gross or as seriously interesting.    Life cycle charts are helpful and the life stages chart is a valuable inclusion.  Unfortunately, several of the bibliography items are older but the list of scientists who contributed is impressive.  Add this to intermediate and middle grade media center and consider for public libraries.

Submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME


Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration

Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of ImmigrationOpen Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration by Bryan Caplan, Zach Weinersmith
Published by First Second on October 29th 2019
ISBN: 1250316960
Pages: 256

In this graphic non-fiction book, economics professor Bryan Caplan teams up with cartoonist Zach Weinersmith to demonstrate why open borders are the best way to handle immigration, both scientifically and ethically.  With a clear cartoon style and a wealth of graphs, Caplan walks the reader through objections to immigration, ultimately showing how open borders benefit the United States specifically and the world as a whole, while walking the line between political sides that can often be highly contentious.

Fantastic for middle school, high school, and even adult patrons, Open Borders will be in high demand wherever graphic non-fiction is popular.

Reviewed by Sarah Cropley, Scarborough Public Library.


Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence

Cutting-Edge Artificial IntelligenceCutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence by Anna Leigh
Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1541523482
Pages: 32

Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence is a refreshing deviation from what I usually hear about A.I. which is that it’s inevitable that one day robots will rebel and own us. The photo that shows a robot trying to make a pizza is reassurance that that day is very far away.  Instead of fear mongering this book focuses on what A.I. is used for now, what it’s particularly successful at and what the future plans are for it. There’s a clear and interesting explanation of how A.I. works and how it is programmed. Kids in grades 4-6 are likely to enjoy this and recognize how often A.I. is used in everyday life. It would also be a good choice for anyone learning about robots, technology or biotechnology.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten free Library, Bath



CLIMATE CHANGE AND EXTREME STORMSClimate Change and Extreme Storms by Mary Dykstra
Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541538633
Pages: 32

This climate book reports on the hazards of climate change, highlighting recent newsworthy hurricanes, storms and flooding.  The text also explains how we are trying to offset the damage, by building storm-sturdy buildings, roads, and bridges and how we can track these approaching storms with satellites and warning systems.

Other than turning off the lights, however, it does not give any solutions or suggestions that children could engage in to help solve this crisis.  It does not explain how these changes occurred in our climate.  There is a page dedicated to what children can do to help prepare for a storm, how to donate items to people in need, and referring them to local pet shelters to offer assistance.  A brief timeline, glossary and fact sheet for more referrals is found in back of book.

The text is very readable; photos are informative.  I would have preferred to see the glossary terms explained in bubbles or boxes in the text of book, rather than in back.

Reviewed by Irene Hall, Witherle Memorial Library, Castine


The Miracle and Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets

The Miracle and Tragedy of the Dionne QuintupletsThe Miracle and Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets by Sarah Miller
Published by Schwartz & Wade on August 27th 2019
ISBN: 1524713813
Pages: 320

In May of 1934, in a small Canadian town, 5 baby girls were born into a family with 5 older siblings and became a global sensation as their lives and of their family are thrown into the spotlight. Their total birth weight was 13 pounds. Yvonne, Cecile, Emilie, Annette and Marie are subsequently removed from their home and basically raised by the government of Ontario across the street in a custom-built hospital — all of this to protect the girls from showmen and exploitation.

Respectfully written and sometimes heart wrenching story of the world’s most famous babies in a time when miracles were meant to be. Recommended for grades 10 and up. TOC, notes and indexes are available.

Reviewed by Kristin Taylor, Biddeford High School, Biddeford.
