Between Worlds: Folktales of Britain and Ireland

Between Worlds: Folktales of Britain and IrelandBetween Worlds: Folktales of Britain and Ireland by Kevin Crossley-Holland
Published by Candlewick Press on October 8th 2019
ISBN: 1536209414
Pages: 352

This U.S. edition was originally published in 2018 in the U.K. The author’s choice of forty-eight folktales and his retelling is exceptional. The collection is divided into themes. The author includes the source or sources used for his each of his retelling of the folktale and if he changed the title. All original titles are noted. A pronunciation guide is in the front of the book. There is a forward and afterward by the author. The black and white illustrations add to the magic of this superb collection of scary, funny, adventurous, and witty folktales. Readers will recognize some of the traditional stories and enjoy discovering lesser known folktales. I recommend this for readers ages 10 and up. Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish.


Bringing Down a President

Bringing Down a PresidentBringing Down A President: the Watergate Scandal by Andrea Balis, Elizabeth Levy, Tim Foley
Published by Roaring Brook Press on August 6th 2019
ISBN: 1250176794
Pages: 240
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

A just-in-time publication as Americans face another impeachment, Bringing Down a President: The Watergate Scandal, introduces a new generation to “All the President’s Men.”  With a consistent layout throughout the text, there are “Fly on the Wall” explanations of the events surrounding the Watergate break along with direct quotes from the key players (both those supporting and opposing Nixon).  The book has black and white illustrations throughout and has the appearance of a nonfiction text designed for middle schoolers in mind. However there is prolific profanity throughout the book, some within the quotations, and others used simply to add sensationalism.  While thought-provoking and informative, this is a complicated and terrifying era of American history that many middle and high school students will struggle to make sense of.

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


The Magnificent Migration: On Safari with Africa’s Last Great Herds

The Magnificent Migration: On Safari with Africa’s Last Great HerdsThe Magnificent Migration: On Safari with Africa’s Last Great Herds by Sy Montgomery
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on June 11th 2019
ISBN: 0544761138
Pages: 176

Sibert medalist, Sy Montgomery takes the reader to the plains of Africa to join a prestigious team of scientists, guides, and photographers on her greatest quest yet- follow the herds of wildebeests that migrate with the rains. Led by her friend and the world’s foremost expert on wildebeests, Dr. Richard Estes, they will follow the wildebeest which according to Montgomery “drive the ecology and evolution of the largest savanna ecosystem in the world.” She goes on to say that wildebeest migration defines wild Africa. Montgomery always excites her readers with an abundance of  facts, supported by  extraordinary photographs, on this trip those of father rand son team Roger and Logan Wood.  Montgomery details her trip as they follow the migration of a quarter of a million beasts along with hundreds of thousands of zebra and gazelles in the largest movement of animals on land. This is a book that takes time to read and reread. Not only does the reader gain information on the herds but there are stories of other animals- lions that climb trees to escape biting insects, Arctic terns that fly from Antarctica to Africa, then to South America and on to the Arctic, hyenas, red crabs, and hippos cover just some of those in the book. This is Montgomery at her best! A must for every library ! Use in grades 5 and up.

Reviewed by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray


Shark Quest: Protecting the Ocean’s Top Predators

Shark Quest: Protecting the Ocean’s Top PredatorsShark Quest by Karen Romano Young
Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 151249805X
Pages: 128

An engaging nonfiction title that details the story of how sharks became the most feared and hunted creature on the planet and what is being done now to turn the tide and protect this necessary apex predator. Well-written and thoroughly researched, this title would be useful for a project on the work being done to document and study sharks and it would be an absorbing read for anyone fascinated with these magnificent animals. Supported by photographs, maps, and graphics, Young covers the history of the lure and thrill of shark hunting, which has led to the drop in numbers of sharks in the wild, the physiology of this efficient, powerful predator, the behaviors of sharks, and all of the work being done by scientists to understand these creatures who are vital to the infrastructure of the oceanic world. Due to the density and complexity of the writing, this book would be best for a high-school audience, but anyone interested in sharks could enjoy flipping through.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Dissenter on the Bench: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Life & Work

Dissenter on the Bench:  Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Life & WorkDissenter on the Bench: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Life and Work by Victoria Ortiz
Published by Clarion Books on June 4th 2019
ISBN: 054497364X
Pages: 199

More than a biography, this in-depth look at Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg parallels the events of her life that have led to the decisions she has made in several high-profile court cases.  Each chapter features a case that came before her, like Cincinnatian Jim Oberfefell’s fight to collect spousal benefits after the death of his partner. Ruth and her husband Marty understood well how essential it was to balance roles within a marriage, regardless of societal norms.  Ruth and Marty were married while still in college and found time to attend to their young daughter’s needs while both working full-time as law professors. The idea that all the nurturing and domestic care would fall on Ruth’s shoulders simply because she was a woman was ludicrous to them both, just as the idea that a loving spouse of twenty years could be told his future financial security was invalidated because he chose to love a person of the same gender.  Throughout her entire career RBG has fought against injustice even at a time and place in history when her opinions were unpopular. Black and white photos throughout the book truly humanize the participants of the court cases as well as offer private glimpes into the Ginsburgs’ life. While the cover is exciting and bright to appeal to middle school readers, the text and depth of this work is too sophisticated for early teens. This is an excellent addition to every high school biography collection. 

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


Solutions For a Cleaner, Greener Planet

Solutions For a Cleaner, Greener PlanetSolutions for a Cleaner, Greener Planet: Environmental Chemistry by Marc Zimmer
Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541519795
Pages: 120

This book explains that chemistry is the key to understanding the underlying environmental issues facing our planet and it is the key to creating solutions. It begins with the basics, breaking down the science to the basics of atoms and elements. Heavy metals, pesticides, fuel and energy, and nuclear energy are the areas of focus. The dangers of leaded gasoline, the tragedies of water contamination in Flint, and the nuclear disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima provide historical context to the science. The advantages and disadvantages of technologies like fracking, solar energy, wind energy are explored. Charts, graphs, and color photos are nicely formatted and provide context for readers. Innovative solutions are provided, but for the readers, the message is clear that we all must minimize our carbon footprint. Source notes, an extensive glossary, and a list of sources for Further Information are provided. This is a strong resource for high school libraries. Recommended for Grades 9 and up. 

Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School


War in the Ring

War in the RingWar in the Ring: Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, and the Fight Between America and Hitler by John Florio, Ouisie Shapiro
Published by Roaring Brook Press on June 25th 2019
ISBN: 1250155746
Pages: 208

American Joe Louis takes on German Max Schmeling in a historic boxing match while the world is on the brink of war.  The lives of these two men are recounted as they become boxers, rise to fame, fight their most famous matches, and then live out the rest of their lives.  The authors do an excellent job describing the men with both their successes and their flaws. The reader sees each as a human in a very tense global conflict.  Historic events are clearly described creating the background for this significant match-up, but do not take the focus. Readers gain a better understanding of how these men came to symbolize their nations and of racism facing both African-Americans and those of Jewish descent.  This is a well researched book including multiple quotes from journalists, announcers, and other primary sources. Black and white photographs in each chapter bring the words to life and help the reader visualize the crowds and the times. The end of the book contains nearly 50 pages of additional material including source notes, a bibliography, and an index.  Readers from 10-14 who enjoy boxing will devour this detailed account.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton


100 Most Dangerous Things on the Planet

100 Most Dangerous Things on the Planet100 Most Dangerous Things On The Planet (100 Most) by Anna Claybourne
on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1682974197
Pages: 112

A nonfiction book divided into five sections covering 100 of the most dangerous things on the planet.  Sections are natural disasters, dangerous weather, lost in the wild, dangerous animals, and dangers caused by humans.  Each page has a description of the danger, what to do, a risk rating, a survival rating, and an interesting tip or fact.  Pages are packed with pictures and words written in varying fonts. Readers in grades 3-7 will learn about new dangers (a seiche) and familiar dangers (a mosquito).  The risk and survival ratings make it quick and easy to see the level of danger (very unlikely to meet a chimpanzee but only a 40% chance of survival if attacked). Teachers and parents will appreciate how the author puts an emphasis on avoiding each danger.  Perfect book for readers wanting to learn about the dangers in this world or who just love information.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton


Women in the Military: From Drill Sergeants to Fighter Pilots

Women in the Military: From Drill Sergeants to Fighter PilotsWomen in the Military: From Drill Sergeants to Fighter Pilots by Connie Goldsmith
Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on January 1st 2019
ISBN: 1541528123
Pages: 120

This book gives a thoughtful look to the women in all branches of the United States Military, ranging from a brief overlook of their history in the military to powerful changes that have taken place. Even though women are still the minority in the military, their numbers are growing and providing them opportunities that hadn’t been available in the past. Inside are mini-biographies of various women that share their outlook from just entering boot camp to well seasoned veterans.

Recommended for grades 7 and up. There is a TOC, timeline of Historical Advances for Women, sources notes, bibliography, further information and an index. The context, photographs, and graphs are well organized an compliment the text with information easily located.

Reviewed by Kristin Taylor, Biddeford High School, Biddeford.


Raccoon Rescue

Raccoon RescueRaccoon Rescue by Kama Einhorn
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on April 9th 2019
ISBN: 1328767051
Pages: 160

Raccoon Rescue tells the adventures of four baby raccoons rescued in California when only two weeks old.  Their story is dictated through the eyes of one of the babies, Mr. Green. Mr. Green describes the process of the Fab Four from rescue to release.  Pictures are on nearly every page assisting the reader in visualizing the story. Examples of x-rays, an intake exam form, and a growth chart are included also.  The book is written in large clear font with bullet pointed lists teaching the reader a great deal of information about raccoons. A bibliography, glossary, index, letter from the author, and a “how you can help” section are all located at the back of the book.  Einhorn does an excellent job of sending the message that wild animals are not pets and describes the extensive steps it takes to get baby raccoons from rescue through rehabilitation to release. Readers 8-12 with an interest in raccoons, animal rescue, or just enjoy looking at pictures of baby raccoons will find this book appealing and may also be interested in the other “True Tales of Rescue” books in this series. Some readers may struggle with reading a book written from the perspective of a baby animal, but still find relevant information for research.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton
