Missing! Mysterious Cases of People Gone Missing Through the Centuries

Missing! Mysterious Cases of People Gone Missing Through the CenturiesMissing!: Mysterious Cases of People Gone Missing Through the Centuries by Brenda Z. Guiberson
Published by Henry Holt & Company on February 12th 2019
ISBN: 1250133408
Pages: 240

These biographies of famous and not so famous people are informative and well written. The cases explored still have many unanswered questions surrounding their disappearances. The people included are Jimmy Hoffa, D.B. Cooper, Barbara Follett, Amelia Earhart, William Morgan, and the two princes in the Tower of London. Each story is well researched and when possible information about the person’s childhood is included. The black and white photographs and drawings add interest. The author’s choice of people is a good variety and will be read for pleasure and research. There is an extensive bibliography and index. Grades 5-9 Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish


Secret Soldiers

Secret SoldiersSecret Soldiers: How the U.S. Twenty-Third Special Troops Fooled the Nazis by Paul B. Janeczko
Published by Candlewick Press on April 23rd 2019
ISBN: 0763681539
Pages: 304

This is the story of the Twenty-Third Headquarters Special Troops. Their goal was to deceive the Nazis into believing that the sights and sounds they were experiencing were real. Camouflage tactics and sound engineering were created by a variety of people specially chosen to be a part of this elite “Ghost Army.” Artists, set designers, actors, sound engineers and others working together were able to accomplish their goal with inflatable tanks, guns, false radio broadcasts and other tactics. The author provides detailed information about the troops and their work that military buffs will enjoy. There are numerous black and white photographs and maps. The book is well written and informative. I found the highlighted sections within the chapters awkward. Stopping midsentence to read a highlighted area was cumbersome. An introduction, epilogue, source notes, extensive bibliography, image credits, and comprehensive index are included.  Grades 9-12, adult . Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish


The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away

The Owls Have Come to Take Us AwayThe Owls Have Come to Take Us Away by Ronald L. Smith
Published by Clarion Books on February 19th 2019
ISBN: 132884160X
Pages: 224

Twelve year old Simon believes that he was abducted by aliens while on a camping trip alone with his parents. Simon is obsessed with aliens and UFOs. He loves playing video games that involve role playing. His brother’s girlfriend introduces him to a group who also believes in aliens and UFOs. Her father is a member of that group. Simon’s father is in the Air Force and appears disappointed in Simon. Simon’s mother thinks Simon has mental health issues. Bullying, bi-racial families, and life on a military base are all a part of this unique action packed novel. The story is told from Simon’s point of view. A fantasy story that Simon is writing is a part of the novel. The characters are well developed and believable. There are many layers in this suspense filled novel. It will keep readers guessing right up to the end. This novel will appeal to readers with an interest in aliens and UFOs. Grades 5-7 Reviewed by Kris Zuidema, retired school librarian, Standish


Beyond Words: What Elephants and Whales Think and Feel

Beyond Words:  What Elephants and Whales Think and FeelBeyond Words: What Elephants and Whales Think and Feel (A Young Reader's Adaptation) by Carl Safina
Published by Roaring Brook Press on April 23rd 2019
ISBN: 1250144639
Pages: 176
Genres: Animals
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Heartwarming and interesting, this slim nonfiction book gives a wonderful look into the lives of elephants and killer whales to explain how smart and compassionate they are.  Author Carl Safina embedded himself with researchers at Amboseli National Park in Kenya to simply learn to observe without judgement how elephants interact within their family groups, how they protect one another and how they teach their young.  While poaching remains a true horror for the elephants in the region, the herds are making some comebacks due to years of drought-free weather and better protections by conservancy groups. Elephants have distinct personalities and can often be seen as silly, joyful, irritated, tense or sad.  While it is easy to use our human emotions to understand their behaviors, researchers point out that it is important to respect these animals in their own magnificent way. Though an unlikely pairing for a book, the author next heads to the Pacific Northwest to view killer whales, members of the dolphin group, who also live in pods, train their young and work together in a highly intelligent way.  Threatened due to live capture by Sea World and other tourist centers in the 1960s and 70s and now facing inhospitable waters to fish and thrive, killer whales remain an ancient presence in the ocean. All the more fascinating is that killer whales are playful and tender when encountering humans. They have been known to save stranded boats and kayakers by encircling them and guiding them back to safe waters.  While a truly fascinating addition to nonfiction animal collections, this is a book for inquisitive and deep thinkers.  

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School


Epic Athletes Alex Morgan

Epic Athletes Alex MorganEpic Athletes: Alex Morgan by Dan Wetzel, Cory Thomas
Published by Henry Holt & Company on May 14th 2019
ISBN: 1250295777
Pages: 160

Soccer fans, male and female, will find Olympic medalist and World Cup winner Alex Morgan a leader who will inspire for her determination and hard work on the soccer field.  Alex became an elite soccer player in her early teens and was highly sought after by Division One universities. While handling a full academic course load, Alex started for the University of California Berkeley’s soccer team and played internationally for the US National Women’s Soccer League.  Alex is also tenacious about women’s soccer players receiving comparable pay to their high level of success (it is well known that US men’s soccer players make considerably more money with far fewer accolades). A smart, well-spoken and talented women, Epic Athletes Alex Morgan, shines a light on a modern day athlete and activist.  Black and white cartoon illustrations appear in each chapter.  A glossary of soccer terms would have been helpful for the non-soccer aficionado.  It also seems a glaring oversight to have published this biography prior to the 2019 World Cup which brought the US Team another championship.  Rushing to get this out seems to have instantly dated this book’s shelf life and appeal.  An optional purchase for collections simply in need of more biographies.

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


Coming Up Clutch: the Greatest Upsets, Comebacks, and Finishes in Sports History

Coming Up Clutch: the Greatest Upsets, Comebacks, and Finishes in Sports HistoryComing Up Clutch: The Greatest Upsets, Comebacks, and Finishes in Sports History by Matt Doeden
Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 151242756X
Pages: 64

Full of vivid photos and engaging writing, this book filled with exciting moments in sports will appeal to upper elementary and middle grade sports enthusiasts. Cycling through a series of upsets, comebacks, chokes, and clutch performances, Doeden covers many sports and many performances from 1919 to 2017. He also ponders the science of “clutch” and the reality of its existence offering a pro and con viewpoint. No matter if it truly exists, there are plenty of thrilling moments in sports when a person steps up and carries her/his team to a victory and that alone will cause people to continue to turn on that game, show up to that stadium, and debate that one key moment where the tide was turned.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Strangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My Nurse

Strangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My NurseStrangers Assume My Girlfriend Is My Nurse by Shane Burcaw
Published by Roaring Brook Press on April 30th 2019
ISBN: 1626727708
Pages: 208

The author of Laughing at My Nightmare is back with another book that is a must-have for all libraries. This second book of essays is filled with stories that highlight Burcaw’s signature humor. The title comes from the essay in which Burcaw explains that people often assume that because he is in a wheelchair, his able-bodied girlfriend must be his nurse. Many of the essays in this collection focus on their relationship and how they “make it work.” Burcaw does not shy away from the details of their relationship, even going so far as to briefly explain personal details of his sexual life. Burcaw is an important Millennial voice. He clears up misunderstandings and provides a voice to others who are wheelchair-bound or who have spinal muscular atrophy. However, most importantly he is a fabulous story-teller. Readers will laugh-out-loud as they turn the pages!  For Grades 9 and up. 

Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School


Dark Sky Rising: Reconstruction and the Dawn of Jim Crow

Dark Sky Rising: Reconstruction and the Dawn of Jim CrowDark Sky Rising: Reconstruction and the Dawn of Jim Crow (Scholastic Focus) by Henry Louis Gates Jr., Tonya Bolden
Published by Scholastic Nonfiction on January 29th 2019
ISBN: 1338262041
Pages: 240

Renown historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and YA author Tonya Bolden have written a narrative nonfiction of the rise of Jim Crow Laws in the South during and after the Reconstruction period. Detailed changes to the rights of African Americans during the Civil War along with the rights giving citizenship such as the Emancipation Act and the Amendments added to the Constitution are well discussed. The authors also give details in the rise of white violence/supremacy, racism and political/economic factors that allowed the Jim Crow Laws to be established in the South.

TOC, sources/notes, photo credits, index and an About the Authors section are present. A great resource on the Reconstruction Period of the United States and its effects on the citizenship and lives of the newly freed slaves. Recommended for grades 9 and up.

Reviewed by Kristin Taylor, Biddeford High School, Biddeford.


Jack Montgomery

Jack MontgomeryMedal of Honor: First Lieutenant Jack C. Montgomery by Michael P. Spradlin
Published by Flash Point on July 3rd 2018
ISBN: 1250157072

Cherokee-American war hero Jack Montgomery received the Medal of Honor after bravely protecting his platoon in a World War II battle in Italy.  At his own peril, Montgomery launched grenades into three different axis controlled areas, alleviating gunfire on his troops. The Medal of Honor series features a military hero and is part biography and part informational text.  With details explaining the hierarchy of the US Army and its divisions, the black and white photos and small inserts throughout the chapters keep the text interesting. Despite its slim size, this is not an easy read. Prior knowledge of World War II is necessary to be able to jump into the military exploits of 1942.  End pages include key names and terms, notes and a selected biography. This would appear to be a high demand series as most middle school collections tend to see constant traffic surrounding wars of the past.

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World

Elon Musk:  A Mission to Save the WorldElon Musk: A Mission to Save the World by Anna Crowley Redding
Published by Feiwel & Friends on July 2nd 2019
ISBN: 1250313627
Pages: 256

Elon Musk:  A Mission to Save the World


From a very young age Elon Musk was planning, experimenting, reading, and thinking about ways to use technology to save the planet.  His family life was difficult and one time at school he was beaten and pushed down a flight of stairs, which ended with him in the hospital.  He was bullied, but all through this he wanted to learn more and more.  From this beginning he went on to higher education and became the CEO and founder of TESLA as he looked for ways to eliminate earth’s dependence on gasoline, Spacex to bring about travel to Mars, and the Boring Co. to make tunnels under the earth to speed travel—which, with living in California, was one of Elon’s pet peeves.  Readers also learn about Elon’s marriages, divorces, one set of twins, a set of triplets, and a baby who died of SIDS.  One interesting question that Elon always asks in interviews is “What serious problem have you faced, and how did you solve it?”  This, in itself, will make for some very fascinating conversations.  This book is recommended for grades 5-8.


Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland
