Beastly Puzzles: A Brain-Boggling Animal Guessing Game

Beastly Puzzles: A Brain-Boggling Animal Guessing GameBeastly Puzzles: A Brain-Boggling Animal Guessing Game by Rachel Poliquin
Published by Kids Can Press on May 7th 2019
ISBN: 1771389133
Pages: 32

Each page of this compact nonfiction book presents a series of common items, things found around a house or workshop or whatever setting is pictured (and these are generally not associated with the animal for an added challenge), and asks the reader to guess which animal can be made. Many common animals are used, but when made from items like 3 billiard balls, 2 feather dusters, and dinosaur feet, can you guess which one? Brilliantly conceived and exquisitely illustrated by Byron Eggenschwiler, this book will engage even the most reluctant reader. Teachers will find ways to use this in units on animal adaptations and could model a fun, engaging lesson that challenges students to craft their own beastly puzzle. This reviewer hopes for a Beastly Puzzles 2 and 3 and 4 and…

Recommended for Cream of the Crop. For readers in grades 1-8.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


World’s Deadliest Reptiles

World’s Deadliest ReptilesWorld's Deadliest Reptiles by Tom Jackson
Published by Hungry Tomato (R) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1541500903
Pages: 32

This nonfiction book starts and ends with facts about what makes the deadliest reptiles so deadly. In between these fact pages are 10 specific deadly reptiles (snakes, crocodiles, alligators, lizards, and one turtle) with an additional mention of four dangerous reptiles. The book includes a mix of photographs and illustrations meant to capture the interest of graphic novel readers, which could work, but the text is small and dense so it would be best for stronger readers in grades 3-5 (ages 8-11).

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


From an Idea to Disney

From an Idea to DisneyFrom an Idea to Disney: How Branding Made Disney a Household Name by Lowey Bundy Sichol
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on February 12th 2019
ISBN: 132845360X
Pages: 112

This is a non fiction book that goes in depth into Disney as a business. It starts with a background on Walt Disney and moves though a history of the company including movies and the parks. Terminology is defined on the pages to make it more accessible to children reading it. There are also fun facts spread throughout the text that spin off from the main text and inspire additional research. Disney style cartoon-like illustrations are provided to complement the text and engage readers.

This would be a great beginning non-fiction book for reading cover to cover. Children will be drawn in by the art of things like Cinderella’s castle on the cover, things like Mikey throughout and the subject matter exploring a favorite theme.  It would be appropriate for lower to middle elementary aged children. If a reader likes this book then the author has others she has written of similar style and reading level. These titles can inspire an interest in business and how it works.

Reviewed by Kathleen Powers, Winslow Public Library, Winslow, ME


Dreaming in Code


Interesting life story of a woman from the 1800s. Great for high school and women studies.

Ada  Byron Lovelace the daughter of Lord Byron was the first computer programmer. In the 1800s Ada Byron Lovelace had a strict divorced mother and poet Lord Byron for her dad. She spent a lot of time alone but was tutored in math problems, mental puzzles, and the scientific discovery method at a time when the industrial revolution was at its hight. When Ada was 17 she met Charles Babbage, an inventor, who she collaborated with. They worked on concepts that were the foundation for computers two hundred years before they became common.

Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle school, Gray


Iron Will Surviving the Mountain


Recommended for mature readers. It’s nonfiction.

This book contains 5 true stories of survival, a quiz, activity, glossary, read more, internet sites, and an index. It is part of the Iron Will series Jungle, Dessert, and Sea.

One of the stories is about a plane crash in the Andies and people survived by eating passengers who hadn’t survived the crash. Other stories talked about how some people lost limbs, fingers, and toes. Through determination and the will to live, they did.

Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle School, Gray




Math in Science

Math in ScienceMath in Science by Nancy Dickmann
Published by Hungry Tomato (R) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1541500989
Pages: 32

Dickmann illustrates how math has been used for centuries and is behind many important discoveries.  Some of the topics covered include the periodic table, lenses, circumference, the sundial, triangles, and the metric system.  Readers are shown how math impacted all of these ideas, led to great discoveries (the arch), and continue influencing the world (satellites).  Each section provides a “Math in Action” activity with answers provided in the back of the book. Colorful pictures and drawings add understanding to each section.  Topics are briefly covered leaving the reader wishing for additional resources. Librarians and teachers will want to recommend this title to readers wondering why math matters and those looking for connections between math and science.  Recommended for ages 8-11.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton



RottenRotten!: Vultures, Beetles, Slime, and Nature’s Other Decomposers by Anita Sanchez
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on January 22nd 2019
ISBN: 1328841650
Pages: 96

Most everything decomposes.  How, where, and when depends on multiple factors.  Sanchez covers these and the role dung beetles, earthworms, fungi, and scavengers have in decomposition.  Other topics covered are rotting logs, rot and bacteria in food, what happens to our trash, and rotting people.   Information is presented in a humorous manner and in small chunks with many colorful illustrations, “Decomposer Selfies”, and “Rot it Yourself” sections.  Readers learn the difference between aerobic and anaerobic decomposition as well as fun facts such as butterflies love to land on poop. Readers may connect with the idea of a rotting log being a hotel hosting many organisms.  Notes, glossary, an index, and a bibliography are included. Older readers may find the amount of illustrations and colors distracting as well as wanting slightly more information. Younger readers may enjoy the cartoonish drawings, but find the reading level slightly challenging.  Most all readers interested in smelly things will find a new piece of information in this book. Recommended for ages 8-11.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton



PandemicPandemic: How Climate, the Environment, and Superbugs Increase the Risk by Connie Goldsmith
Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1512452157
Pages: 136

Pandemic is a well written, well organized, informative book discussing the causes of and factors increasing the likelihood of a pandemic occurring within the next few decades. Climate change, increased travel, superbugs caused by overuse of antibiotics, conflict/crowding, and disruption of animal habitats all contribute to the risk of an upcoming pandemic (most likely influenza).  Various viruses and bacteria are covered detailing their history, case studies, and probability of being the next threat. The book wraps up with a chapter discussing how to prevent a pandemic including ways the reader can help (pack your own lunch). Goldsmith writes in a clear, easy to read manner without being sensationalizing while explaining unfamiliar words as well as explaining familiar words (bacteria, viruses, antibiotic).  Pictures, text boxes, charts, and a graphic organizer are interspersed throughout the book adding valuable information (how to safely remove a tick). Source notes, a glossary, an index, a bibliography, and many additional books, websites, video and audio recordings are listed for further information. Readers interested in pandemics or researching for a paper/presentation will find this book very valuable. Recommended for ages 12-17.

Reviewed by Heather Hale, Easton School District, Easton


From an Idea to Nike

From an Idea to NikeFrom an Idea to Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success by Lowey Bundy Sichol
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on February 12th 2019
ISBN: 1328453626
Pages: 128

Part of a series of business and entrepreneurial books for middle school students, From an Idea to Nike is part biography of majority owner Phil Knight and part timeline of how Nike was launched.  Knight, who grew up in Oregon, was a great track athlete. After graduating college, Knight knew that he wanted to create a running shoe company but had neither the capitol or the credentials.  Starting first as Blue Ribbon Sports and working with a Japanese shoe company (which would later become ASICS), Knight began selling the light-weight and comfortable shoes at track meets and road races.  Runners loved this new style. Knight approached his former college track coach Bill Bowerman to buy into the business and Bowerman soon started creating shoe concepts for manufacturing. After several years, Knight and the Japanese manufacturer parted ways.  Knight knew it was the right time to create a new company and Nike was born. Right from the beginning, Knight and Bowerman knew that finding athletes to endorse would be their approach to marketing and it proved to be a gold mine of an idea. Steve “Pre” Fontaine, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods are only a small portion of famous athletes who were paid by Nike to wear their apparel, furthering the brand’s famous Swoosh and status.  This slim nonfiction book is deceptively informative, well-written and extremely interesting. “Fun Facts” are interspersed throughout the chapters and business concepts and terminology are carefully and appropriately explained for its reading audience. With other titles in the series including Disney, Google and Lego, this is a perfect addition for collections looking to update their inventors and inventions sections.

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


Manchester United

Manchester UnitedManchester United: Soccer Champions by Jeff Savage
Published by Lerner Publications (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1541519876
Pages: 32

This book is one in Lerner’s Champion Soccer Clubs series. Chapter 1 starts with a confusing description of a game in the 2016-2017 season, instead of starting with an introduction to Manchester United. This opening might work for readers who already have an understanding of the team, but readers looking for an introduction to Manchester United or the sport of soccer will have to muddle through until Chapter 3 which provides background information. Although the book highlights fan-favorite players from the past, it is odd that only one of the three current players on the front of the book are mentioned in the text. The pictures throughout the book capture interesting action and will appeal to readers. The glossary in the back defines the highlighted words in the text. Source notes, an Index, and Further Reading resources are also provided. Consider for an additional purchase.

For Grades 4 and up.

Elizabeth Andersen, Westbrook High School
