3D Printing The Revolution in Personalized Manufacturing

Pages: 112

This is agreat book to show just how far technology has come. We copied nature… wasp nests are the first 3D print job. The seven chapters include inventing 3D printing, how it works, 3D printing and tradtional manufacturing, 3D printing our health, 3D printing our world, 3D printing our future, and disrupting and democartizing manufacturing. There is a timeline, source notes, glossary, selelcted bibliograpgy, further information, and an index.  Some cool things that can be printed are artifical limb sockets, toddler hearts so doctors can practice surgery before the real operations, used in dentistry,  the Chefjet 3D printer can make candy and other food, and clothes.

Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle School, Gray



Path to the Stars: My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist

Path to the Stars:  My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket ScientistPath to the Stars: My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist by Sylvia Acevedo
Published by Clarion Books on September 4th 2018
ISBN: 1328809560
Pages: 320

Path to the Skies:  My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist


Sylvia Acevedo has written her autobiography with an emphasis on her involvement with the Girl Scouts from a young age.  She credits scouting, libraries and librarians, and some of her teachers with letting her excel and allowing a Latina girl to pursue a dream that, even now, is not common:  being a rocket scientist.

In selling Girl Scout cookies her leader said not to accept “No” from a customer until they had said “No” three times.  Playing basketball was a goal during Sylvia’s middle school days, but she wasn’t given a basketball, net, and backboard right away.  She learned persistence, resilience, and the importance of planning ahead.  Her relationship with her father wasn’t always easy.  At one time he hit her with his belt buckle, but she always showed strong family loyalty, while still seeing them honestly.

This book was written to inspire middle school aged girls to pursue what they love, to work hard to get things done, and to show that a Latina girl with big dreams can succeed.


Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland




Diet for a Changing Climate

Diet for a Changing ClimateDiet for a Changing Climate: Food for Thought by Christy Mihaly, Sue Heavenrich
Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on August 1st 2018
ISBN: 1512481211
Pages: 128

Not for the faint of heart, Diet for a Changing Climate, encourages readers to change their diet in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint.  Better than fighting climate change by reducing car emissions, this books argues that changing our world’s reliance on farming, which leads to flooding, deforestations and high carbon emissions, can make a greater impact.  Countless suggestions for adapting to an alternative daily diet include eating insects, certain weeds, invasive plants like kudzu, even invasive species like iguanas, mussels and types of fish like tilapia. Recipes are provided throughout each chapter as well as tips on how to catch or forage for these items to eat.  This book offers a very different and even radical look at the food we could be eating. Its appeal to readers will be limited however the many colorful photos of grubs, crickets, lionfish and other “edibles” will peak interest. Diagrams, interesting sidebars and data tables are provided throughout the chapters and the text concludes with a glossary, a vast selected bibliography and a lengthy list of suggested books, websites and videos.  Aimed for upper middle school to high school reading levels, this book will make for a very unique pairing with mainstream cookbooks.

Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook


More Deadly Than War: The Hidden History of the Spanish Flu and the First World War

More Deadly Than War: The Hidden History of the Spanish Flu and the First World WarMore Deadly Than War: The Hidden History of the Spanish Flu and the First World War by Kenneth C. Davis
Published by Henry Holt & Company on May 15th 2018
ISBN: 1250145120
Pages: 304

Kenneth C. Davis has written an informative and engaging text on the Spanish Flu. Spanning from the introduction to the epidemic in 1918 to its completion in 1919, Davis shows the world-wide impact of the deadly disease and how it was influenced by and influenced the first World War. Filled with timelines, drawing, and pictures, Davis lays out the history narratively, adding in stories of famous people who were affected, such as Walt Disney himself. What results is a complete picture of the disease and how it altered a significant piece of history.

This is nonfiction book is perfect for older middle and high school readers who are already interested in the subjects. A reader who is not at least somewhat familiar with the time period may find themselves missing information, but for libraries that support young history buffs, More Deadly than War is an excellent pick.

Reviewed by Sarah Cropley, Scarborough Public Library.

Inside the World of Roblox

Inside the World of RobloxInside the World of Roblox Published by HarperFestival on October 30th 2018
ISBN: 006286260X
Pages: 72

A guide to the characters, history, and game play of the online game Roblox. People who know nothing about the game will definitely learn about its creation and platform as well as how to start playing. Fans of the game will enjoy the listings of top games to play and favorite hats as well as getting a peek inside the Roblox headquarters. The last page of the book includes a guide to socializing within an online game like Roblox for both younger users and parents; this is a nice inclusion. The large size, bright format, and eye-catching cover will make this a widely circulated book, until the binding falls apart.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


We Say #Never Again

We Say #Never AgainWe Say #NeverAgain: Reporting by the Parkland Student Journalists by Melissa Falkowski, Eric Garner, Parkland Student Journalists
on January 1st 1970
ISBN: 1984849964
Pages: 260

This collection of essays is written by students and teachers who lived through the school shooting at Marjory Stoneham Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida. The student journalists of the school’s newspaper, the Eagle Eye, and the MSD TV production crew use the skills they learned in their classes to contribute to this book. Through interviews and personal accounts, the students share memories of that fateful day, but many of the essays cover other topics: the organization of the March For Our Lives movement, the participation in the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., the pressure of being in the public eye, the call to activism, the need for self-care, and thoughts on how to create a new normal. For some, writing these pieces was a form of healing and for others, it was the first step in the fight that they continue today to end gun violence. The student writers share a lot of information and write about the complex feelings in their community demonstrating solid journalism skills; their work was truly a labor of love for their classmates and their community. Profiles of the writers are included in the back of the book, as well as information on the awards their work won. This book is highly recommended for budding journalists or social activists more than readers who want a historical account of shooting at MSD High School. Recommended for grades 9 and up.

Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School

Hello Winter

Hello WinterHello Winter! by Shelley Rotner
Published by Holiday House on October 16th 2018
ISBN: 0823439763
Pages: 32


How to describe and define winter to our youngest readers is done in simple text and lots of photographs by author Shelley Rotner. With text that supports photos of children in boots, jackets, scarves, and hats that show children enjoying sledding, skiing, building forts, drinking hot chocolate and looking forward to the holidays. This selection is a bit different from the “text book” books on the seasons in that it shows the reader other children like themselves . Whether winter is your favorite season or not- this book makes winter fun. Use this with other picture books about winter: First Snow by Mark Bomi, Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming, Snowmen at Night by Mark Buehner to name a few. Discussions with your youngest readers on what is their favorite part of winter  can lead into what they do in winter, what animals are seen in winter and what if winter isn’t their favorite season. This is a solid addition to any collection.

grades pre-k-3

submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library


Thirty Minutes Over Oregon: Japanese Pilot’s World War ll Story

Thirty Minutes Over Oregon: Japanese Pilot’s World War ll StoryThirty Minutes Over Oregon: A Japanese Pilot's World War II Story by Marc Tyler Nobleman
Published by Clarion Books on October 9th 2018
ISBN: 054443076X
Pages: 40

Books for readers of all ages have been written about the bombing of Pearl Harbor , causing the United States to enter World War ll. The United States received a second set of bombings by the Japanese in September of 1942, which does not make the history or text books that often. This picture book depicts the story in both text and illustration of a Japanese submarine coming into  the waters off the coast of Oregon, to launch a small plane which would bomb the forests in Brookings, Oregon. The hope was to start a fire that would spread and consume the forests. Though the mission failed, it changed the lives of both the Japanese pilot and the inhabitants of the Oregon town. Author Nobleman and illustrator Iwai work together to engage the reader in this little known event. Even more important to the actual events is what happened in the years following. The townspeople invite the pilot to visit and begin a friendship between post war Japan and Brookings .

This book is one of many that offers the reader moments in history that may have been overlooked. That is what makes this book worth adding to any collection. It both informs and brings history to our younger readers so these small pieces of our history can be acknowledged and honored. Use this with units about US history, friendship and forgiveness.

grades 3-6

submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library


Made by hand A Crafts Sampler

Made by hand A Crafts SamplerMade by Hand: A Crafts Sampler by Carole Lexa Schaefer, Becca Stadtlander
Published by Candlewick Press (MA) on October 9th 2018
ISBN: 0763674338
Pages: 48

Thirteen different stories about 14 different crafts that were made by New England people. In a time before factories were making most of our needs and wants. James Wilson’s terrestrial globe, the studying he had to do, the money he needed to earn. ( Needed to make and sell 350 ax heads to buy a set of 1797 Encyclpaedia Britannica for $130.00. Then he had to walk 250 miles to study with a master engraver and cartographer Amas Doolittle in New Haven, CN.

I read these stories to my grandchildren who are growing up in a throwaway society. Pie Crimpers, rocking horses, butter churns, bandolier bags, etc. The museums where these items can be found.

Book Review by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle School, Gray

Spooked!: How a Radio Broadcast and The War of the Worlds Sparked the 1938 Invasion of America

Spooked!: How a Radio Broadcast and The War of the Worlds Sparked the 1938 Invasion of AmericaSpooked!: How a Radio Broadcast and the War of the Worlds Sparked the 1938 Invasion of America by Gail Jarrow
Published by Calkins Creek Books on August 7th 2018
ISBN: 1629797766
Pages: 144

The author gives the detailed steps to the broadcast that shook the world and how the story was delivered that had listeners believing that unbelievable was truly happening. The way the broadcast was delivered had many feeling that considerable time had elapsed, when in actuality it had only been mere minutes. Jarrow also explains why this broadcast was so famous and some of the changes it brought to radio and the people that became famous because of it. Further discussion later in the book, covers hoaxes of the past  and how this should be a lesson with today’s forms of communication.

Well documented and the illustrations portray the story  of an alien invasion and are strategically placed throughout. There are also photos of Orson Welles and the members of the Mercury Theater and other important individuals that are  mentioned. Also included are snippets of some of the telegrams that were sent to either CBS or the FCC  after the broadcast   — some are damning and others are quite humorous.

There is a TOC, index, extensive bibliography and source notes. Good addition to the stacks for reference and fun. Recommend for grades 7 and up.

Reviewed by Kristin Taylor, Biddeford High School
