Green Kids Cook

Green Kids CookGreen Kids Cook: Simple, Delicious Recipes & Top Tips: Good for You, Good for the Planet by Jenny Chandler
Published by Pavilion Books on July 13, 2021
ISBN: 1911663585
Pages: 160
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Green Kids Cook


Jenny Chandler has put together many recipes that children can make and enjoy eating, while becoming healthier in the process.  There are main courses, snacks, and desserts.  The print is quite small so this may be difficult for some children.

The focus is on healthy eating, less meats and fish, and being kind to the planet.  There are excellent photographs and they are numbered with the corresponding number of the directions in the recipe for print and visual learners.

When cultures are studied these recipes will be valuable as they cover everything from Gyoza Dumplings to Syrian Lentils to Spanish Tomato Bread to Mexican Salsa.

This book is recommended for children in the upper elementary and lower middle grades.  Happy cooking!


Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland


A World of Plants

A World of PlantsA World of Plants by James Brown, Martin Jenkins
Published by Candlewick Studio on March 23, 2021
ISBN: 1536215325
Pages: 64
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Everything one would want to know about the world of plants can be found in this selection put out by Candlewick Studio. This  publishing company prides itself on  books that are elegant, with fascinating content, well presented concepts  and high quality illustrations and this book meets their qualifications. Thirty double  page chapters cover the definition of what a plant is, the plant family tree, the ten plants that feed the world, sacred plants , plants in peril, and a chapter on breeding tulips that began in the 13th century and caused the tulip “futures” crash in 1637 where certain tulips cost more than a house and when the market crashed fortunes were lost! There is a lot of information that is best read in small amounts. Illustrations are detailed and elegant including  maps and charts, and  diagrams.  This STEAM offering is captivating and can be read again and again, by both young and not so young plant enthusiasts and would be botanists.

Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library,, Gray Maine

grades 4 and up.


Masters of Disguise: Camouflaging Creatures and Magnificent Mimics

Masters of Disguise: Camouflaging Creatures and Magnificent MimicsMasters of Disguise: Camouflaging Creatures & Magnificent Mimics by Marc Martin
Published by Candlewick Studio on April 6, 2021
ISBN: 1536214051
Pages: 56
Genres: Animals
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Author Marc Martin has taken 12 unique creatures found around the world that are experts at hiding. Creatures such as the Panther Chameleon found only  in Madagascar and one of 59 species that live nowhere else on the planet, the Great Horned Owl with a range of Alaska to Argentina, to the Orchid Mantis found in the forests of Southeast Asia that mimics the flowers around them are introduced to the reader on a double page spread. Bullets of information are offered in language easily understandable and gives the reader the unique  characteristics that make these creatures so fascinating to read about. After each animal is introduced, the following double page offers a seek and find which shows the reader how they disguise themselves in the wild. This book is well thought out with lots of information given in small amounts. the informational page is not overwhelming with illustrations that are realistic and beautifully rendered in pencil and watercolor. This STEAM book hits all the marks !

Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray Maine

Use in grades 4 and up.

a Cream contender


We Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and Resistance

We Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and ResistanceWe Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and Resistance (Scholastic Focus) by Deborah Hopkinson
Published by Scholastic Focus on February 2, 2021
ISBN: 1338255770
Pages: 384
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Award-winning author Hopkinson has created an engaging nonfiction book featuring the first-hand stories of Holocaust survivors from Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Poland.These heart-breaking stories and accompanying photographs will help readers understand the magnitude of the Holocaust and the millions who were killed. Thoroughly-researched with suggestions for further reading, this is a great place to begin the search for primary sources. Each story ends with a “Look, Listen, Remember” link to an audio or video interview with the survivor. An important book to add to school collections. Recommended for Cream of the Crop.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


2022 Almanac

2022 AlmanacNational Geographic Kids Almanac 2022, U.S. Edition by National Geographic Kids
Published by National Geographic Kids on May 4, 2021
ISBN: 1426372027
Pages: 352
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
This is the next National Geographic Almanac. It’s full of fun information for kids accompanied by National Geographic gorgeous images. Hand this to all those who love trivia, information, and gorgeous pictures.

Recommended for readers 7 and up. Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Weird but true: ocean

Weird but true: oceanWeird But True Ocean by National Geographic Kids
Published by National Geographic Kids on June 8, 2021
ISBN: 1426371810
Pages: 208
Genres: Animals, Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
This is the latest in the Weird but True series put out by National Geographic, and it follows the same format as previous books. Each page has a gorgeous and/or dramatic image of some aspect of the oceanic world. The images are combined with large colorful text providing some information or fun fact about the image. This book will delight ocean enthusiasts and science lovers of all types.

Recommended for readers 6 and up. Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


The Titanic

The TitanicHistory Smashers: The Titanic by Kate Messner, Matt Aytch Taylor
Published by Random House Books for Young Readers ISBN: 0593120434
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
This is a paperback version and the second installment in the new narrative non-fiction series by Kate Messner and illustrated by Matt Aytch Taylor called History Smashers.  They are suggested for 3-6 graders.  Messner breaks down the rumors and the facts, as scientists and historians have accumulated over the last –years since the Titanic sank. Using a mix of narrative, lists, historical photographs with captions and graphic novel inserts, Messner will keep readers engaged and challenge Titanic enthusiasts to look beyond the rumors and film created drama to investigate the tragedy from a historical lens. Real newspaper articles are evaluated by Messner providing the reader with examples of how to critically think through headlines. Quotes from eye witnesses are shown to be different and the boat building industry is placed securely in a larger historical context to illustrated how rumors were easily believed. Messner identifies how some of the survivor’s lives were influenced by unfair reporter accounts of the sinking. Back material include a timeline, suggested books and online resources, bibliography, image credits and an index.

Reviewed by Sheila Dube, Youth Services, Springvale Public Library


VIP: Dr. Mae Jemison: Brave Rocketeer

VIP:  Dr. Mae Jemison:  Brave RocketeerVIP: Dr. Mae Jemison: Brave Rocketeer by Heather Alexander
Published by HarperCollins on January 5, 2021
ISBN: 006297808X
Pages: 128
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
Dr. Mae Jemison


Dr. Mae Jemison had always loved science and space travel.  But, being an African American woman, there had been roadblocks.  She became a medical doctor and a Peace Corps volunteer, besides being an astronaut.  What was especially interesting was learning what astronauts must learn and be tested in to become a space traveler.

She learned to scuba dive, be ejected from a plane, and get used to wearing a three-hundred-pound space suit.  She finally had her moment in space in 1992.  There are interesting quizzes and questions and most pages have illustrations.  The facts are presented in an educational manner for personal knowledge and reports but the writing quality isn’t as high as I would expect.


Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland




Amelia Earhart: First Woman Over the Atlantic

Amelia Earhart: First Woman Over the AtlanticTrailblazers: Amelia Earhart: First Woman Over the Atlantic by David Shephard, Sally J. Morgan
Published by Random House Books for Young Readers on January 5, 2021
ISBN: 9780593124581
Pages: 192
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
Part of Trail Blazers series. Promoted as “A biography series for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.” In 1928, Amelia Earhart was the first woman to cross over the Atlantic, except I learned that on that crossing she was simply a passenger, not the pilot. However in 1932, she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. About one third of the book is about Earhart’s early life before she learned to fly: growing up with an alcoholic father, nurse’s assistant in Canada during WW I, her schooling, and doing odd jobs to earn money for flying lessons. Only 10 pages were devoted to her infamous flight around the world when her plane went missing and only 5 pages devoted to the search. The author adds much more historical information and asides, especially about other aviators and planes of the period, and strays from genre of a true biography. Readable but there are better biographies available.

Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library


Living the Confidence Code

Living the Confidence CodeLiving the Confidence Code: Real Girls. Real Stories. Real Confidence. by Claire Shipman, JillEllyn Riley, Katty Kay
on April 28, 2020
ISBN: 0062954113
Genres: Biography/Autobiography, Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction
This is a collection of real life stories of young girls making a difference in the world. From beginning a ban on single-use plastics in Bali to starting a girls tackle football league in Utah, there’s a story here that will resonate with everyone. Each chapter chronicles a different girl’s story and includes a picture of her and a short Q&A about every day likes and dislikes. The book is dotted with blue illustrations and graphics that young readers will find interesting and provide additional information. This book reads a bit young for the length of it, but overall it is interesting and may inspire some young readers. Recommended for readers 3rd grade and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME
