My Name is Phillis Wheatley: A Story of Slavery and Freedom

My Name is Phillis Wheatley: A Story of Slavery and FreedomMy Name Is Phillis Wheatley: A Story of Slavery and Freedom (-) by Afua Cooper
Published by Kids Can Press on September 1, 2009
ISBN: 1525310860
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

My Name is Phillis Wheatley: A Story of Slavery and Freedom is a fictional first-person account of historic figure, Penda Wame, renamed by her enslavers. Wame, a Senegalese child learning to become a griot (poet and storyteller in oral tradition), is stolen from her village and placed on a slave ship where most of her fellow villagers die on the harrowing journey. When the ship lands in Boston, she is enslaved by a merchant family that educates her (though not any of the other enslaved peoples). She is exceptionally bright, and absorbs lessons in English, Ancient Greek, rhetoric, etc. They discover her talent as a poet and publish her work. She gains renown and fame even as some discredit her, in the belief that an enslaved person could not create the poetry she writes. This obstacle does not prevent her from writing poetry that brings her international recognition and an audience with the queen of England.

In a time when some states’ curriculum standards state that Blacks “benefited” from slavery, we are reminded of all that Phillis (Penda) lost and what was taken from her as a person and as an artist. The writing is compelling and Phillis is a powerful character. This book would have benefitted from a timeline, as well as an author’s note explaining where she gathered her facts for this book.

Recommended for library collections looking for middle-grade appropriate historical fiction to discuss the reality of enslavement in American history.

Deanna Contrino, SLMS/MLIS
Young School Library, Saco ME


First Year Orientation

First Year OrientationFirst-Year Orientation by Adi Alsaid, Aminah Mae Safi, Anna Birch, Bryan Bliss, Dana L. Davis, Eric Smith, Farah Naz Rishi, Gloria Chao, Jennifer Chen, Kathleen Glasgow, Kristina Forest, Lance Rubin, Lauren Gibaldi, Olivia A. Cole, Phil Stamper, Sam Maggs
Published by Candlewick Press on April 4, 2023
ISBN: 1536224499
Pages: 336
Genres: Short Stories
Format: Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Sixteen college first-years arrive on campus and experience that first tremulous day. Each chapter is a short story told by a different author, so voice, style and even genre vary widely – but woven throughout are shared experiences that link them together; a scavenger hunt, frat party, concert on the quad, and the like. Characters and events from one chapter are frequently referred to, ususally in passing, in others. This serves to tie the reading experience together even while each piece offers something unique and different, from realistic fiction to magical realism. The undeniable theme throughout is that the first day at college can be scary for everyone, but in the end, each student will find their place.

A nice addition to shelves, especially if your library has a lot of older college-prepping teens who might enjoy that “first day” experience through literature before real life.

Reviewed by Jenny Martinez Nocito, Maine State Library, Augusta


There’s No Way I’d Die First

There’s No Way I’d Die FirstThere's No Way I'd Die First by Lisa Springer
Published by Delacorte Press on September 5, 2023
ISBN: 0593643178
Genres: Horror
Format: Fiction

When Noelle is ready to debut her horror movie podcast, she shrewdly invites her school’s biggest influencers to her exclusive Halloween bash. The house is all decked out for the occasion, as are her guests, but when the hired clown shows up things get truly terrifying. As the teens start getting murdered, Noelle has to figure out who this clown is, and why he is after them. Luckily, she has an extensive repertoire of horror movie knowledge, and she is determined to be the Final Girl.

Final Girls are having a moment (as they should), and this book will be a hit with horror lovers, specifically lovers of slashers. It’s a tense, gory, cautionary tale about oversharing online. It’s so quickly paced it’s easy to ignore less interesting subplots and plausibility issues. Suggest to fans of the Terrifier and Scream movies, or Clown in a Corn Field, or any horror fans who can tolerate a high level of violence.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath


Back to the Bright Before

Back to the Bright BeforeBack to the Bright Before by Jen Bricking, Katherin Nolte
ISBN: 9780593565100
Genres: Magical Realism
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Ever since her Daddy fell off of a ladder (which she blames herself for), Pet’s world has come crashing down. After two failed surgeries, Daddy’s arm is still unusable so he spends all day and night in bed, while Momma is tired and angry from taking as many waitressing shifts as she can in order to keep their heads above water. Pet’s brother Simon has almost completely stopped speaking, only using the word “cheese” to communicate. Bound and determined to save her family, Pet sets off with Simon, a “borrowed” pony and a chicken to find a long-lost ancient coin whose value will surely provide the money they so desperately need. Along the way, they are helped by three mysterious people while being pursued by a dangerous man who is also seeking the treasure. 

This is a story for upper middle-grade readers who like stories about tough topics and a touch of fantasy. The pain and sadness of the family are palpable and Momma’s anger toward Pet could be offputting to some. There is an undercurrent of spirituality, partly due to the presence of the nuns whose abbey is near Pet’s house, but also through the seemingly divine intervention of the beings who come to Pet and Simon’s rescue. This short adventure comes with a smattering of black-and-white illustrations and a happily-ever-after ending.

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York


The Many Fortunes of Maya

The Many Fortunes of MayaThe Many Fortunes of Maya by Nicole D. Collier
ISBN: 0358434645
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

12-year-old Maya Jenkins is determined to get recruited to the Chargers soccer team–the elite team her dad was a part of during his youth.  She also is secretly still practicing her flute because while she loves it, she doesn’t believe she can focus fully on soccer if she gives her music the attention she’d like to. Add in her parent’s separation, her now strained relationship with her best friend and swimming lessons, and this summer is not turning out the way Maya was hoping.  Using her wheel of fortunes as a compass, Maya tries to navigate the muddy waters of being true to herself under the weight of others’ dreams.

Maya’s struggle to remain loyal to her parents while trying to decide where her true interests lie will be relatable to many middle-grade readers. Surely grappling with parents on the brink of divorce will be familiar territory as well. Her emotional turmoil is honest and each problem is resolved realistically even if predictably. Each chapter is tagged with one of Maya’s collected fortunes which adds an interesting plot device as the story moves along. 

Recommended for Cream of the Crop

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York



Spellbinders: The Not So Chosen One

Spellbinders: The Not So Chosen OneSpellbinders: The Not-So-Chosen One by Andrew Auseon
ISBN: 0593482719
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Format: Fiction
Ben is having a tough time after his parents’ divorce forces him to move away with his mother, making it difficult for him to stay in touch with his RPG friends.  To cope, he throws himself even harder into role-playing and constantly writes new ideas in his trusty notebook. Will his years of playing RPGs help him when he is suddenly whisked away to a magical realm where, as the Chosen One, he must save civilization?

Middle grade fantasy readers will enjoy this book. It’s very long, but the end pays off with some complex character development that had been missing throughout the first three quarters of the book. It might also be a good recommendation for readers who like books with a sense of humor. Not essential for a collection, but would make a good addition.

(One note: Spellbinders contains a lot of references to “disgorging”. Not a great choice for kids with emetophobia.)

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath



StarlingsStarlings by Amanda Linsmeier
Published by Delacorte on June 27, 2023
ISBN: 0593572335
Genres: Fantasy, Horror
Format: Fiction
After Kit loses her father, she discovers that the grandmother she thought was dead is very much alive and wants to meet her. She and her mother visit Agatha Starling in the idyllic town of Rosemont where Kit instantly feels like a celebrity. As she pieces together the dark history behind the reason she and her family are so revered, she becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the upcoming rose festival everyone is so excited about. When her mother goes missing, Kit knows she must find her and escape the town or be cursed to live there forever.

This is an entertaining dark fantasy that shades into folk horror. Picture Harvest Home or The Wicker Man but much less traumatizing. Kit is very likable and the claustrophobia of being in Rosemont makes for a tense read. Fans of horror, fantasy, and folklore and will enjoy this one!

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library


Those We Drown

Those We DrownThose We Drown by Amy Goldsmith
Published by Delacorte Press on June 27, 2023
ISBN: 059357009X
Pages: 416
Genres: Horror, Psychological thriller, Supernatural
Format: Fiction
When Liv is offered a scholarship to attend a program aboard a cruise ship, she accepts it to bolster her college application. She also hopes it will give her some time to hang out with her friend, Will, and repair some recent damages to their friendship. Things seem weird almost immediately to Liv; the casual and constant underage drinking of her cohort, the appearance of a trio of glamorous influencers who call themselves The Sirens, and Will’s disappearance after the first night. Liv is determined to find Will and uncover what is really happening on this cruise, but can she do it before others start disappearing?

Those We Drown is tense and hard to put down, thanks to a solid plot that relies on the extreme gaslighting of Liv. Nobody can be trusted and while Liv knows something is terribly wrong, she can’t say exactly what it is or who is involved. This is a great debut that will appeal to horror, Lovecraft, mythology, and thriller fans.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath



The Family Fortuna

The Family FortunaThe Family Fortuna by Lindsay Eagar
Published by Candlewick Press on March 7, 2023
ISBN: 0763692352
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Fiction
The youngest of three siblings in a travelling carnival, Avita has always had a special bond with her father, Arturo. Arturo looked at her as an infant and saw not a monster, but a show-stopping circus act. While she is human, Avita was born with a large black beak, black feathers, jagged black teeth and black eyes. Arturo soon puts her to work biting the heads off of chickens to illicit screams from the audience.

But what if there’s more to life, and to Avita herself, than decapitating birds? Can Avita prove to Arturo that she is more than a horrific sideshow act?

This book had potential but it was very hard to get through. Forced language, particularly the swearing, and odd narrative choices weigh it down and detract from the story.  The intended audience is unclear, so it is not a must-buy.

(Note: Fans of carnivals and large, black birds will be drawn to the excellent cover art.)

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten free Library, Bath


Liar’s Beach

Liar’s BeachLiar's Beach by Katie Cotugno
on May 2, 2023
ISBN: 0593433289
Genres: Mystery
Format: Fiction
Linden is excited to stay at his boarding school friend’s house on Martha’s Vineyard for a few weeks before school starts up again. He joins Jasper and his family and a few family friends for long summer days of swimming, drinking, romance…and murder? Linden is first a little startled when he runs into his childhood best friend, Holiday Proctor, as she might accidentally share details from his youth that he would like to keep secret. But it turns out Holiday is an amazing super sleuth and Linden realizes he needs her help.

This book is full of lies, secrets, and rich kids behaving badly; it’s a quick read and perfect for summer. It’s heavily inspired by Agatha Christie and her own super sleuth, Hercule Poirot. Holiday Proctor steals the book, she’s fun and smart and inexplicably fond of Linden, who is a less than endearing main character. Mystery and thriller fans will enjoy trying to solve this one.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath
