Sink or Swim

Sink or SwimSink or Swim (Just Roll with It #2) by Lee Durfey-Lavoie, Veronica Agarwal
on June 4, 2024
ISBN: 1984897020
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel
Source: MSL Book Review

More of a companion book with Just Roll With It rather than a sequel. Middle school student, Ty, is recovering from a broken arm so he is anxious about getting back to practicing with the swim team. He’s out of shape and afraid of failing in front of them. Easy-to-follow panel art in subdued colors helps set the summer-camp scene. It’s rare to see a book that  deals with body image issues for boys. It also deals with mental health issues – isolation, sadness, panic attacks, and LGBTQ. Ty reaches out to the camp counselor for help who listens and offers support. A touching coming-of-age story. Perhaps a good choice to give a tween to read before going away to sleep-away summer camp.

Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library



Superdads!Superdads!: Animal Heroes by Heather Lang, Jamie Harper
Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536217964
Genres: Animals, Humor, Non-Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel, Picture Book Nonfiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Superdads! Is a new non-fictional picture book by Heather Lang and Jamie Harper that uses comic-panel formatting and speech bubble humor to teach readers about the extraordinary work of “dads” or male caregivers in the natural world. It’s a sequel in the “Animal Heroes” series as a follow up to their first book, Supermoms!

The front flap reads, “In the animal world, Moms get most of the credit for raising young. But sometimes it’s the Dads who do most of the work.” What follows is page by page of different species of animals who rely on male caregivers to care for their young in different ways. For example: The Greater Rhea takes care of and protects his large brood of chicks without the help of a mother Rhea. Male gorillas snuggle and play with their infant babies, even with ones that aren’t their own.

There is extra back matter that gives more information about each animal and a list of additional resources. The amount of information is sparse, but it’s a fantastic book to introduce the diverse role of male caregivers in the natural world. This is a perfect non-fiction selection for patrons and students who love the combination of facts and humor. Recommended for ages 3-7.

Reviewed by Gia Charles, Patten Free Library, Bath


Gnome and Rat

Gnome and RatGnome and Rat: First Snow!: (A Graphic Novel) by Lauren Stohler
Series: Gnome and Rat #3
Published by Alfred A. Knopf on 11/5/24
ISBN: 0593487907
Genres: Humor
Format: Graphic Novel
Source: MSL Book Review

Gnome and Rat are back in this third book of this graphic novel series.  Gnome is eagerly awaiting the first snowfall of the season and all of the exciting snow activities that come with that.  Rat, on the other hand, is more excited to go with Gnome to the Rat Family Nest Fest.  When the two events happen on the same day, the two friends compromise, deciding to do some snow activities on the way to Rat’s family party. Gnome and Rat have fun ice dancing, but run into trouble riding on an uncontrollable toboggan and getting lost.  Somehow the two end up at the Rat Family Nest Fest, just in time to enjoy the cozy festivities.  Early elementary readers will enjoy the antics of these two as they get in and out of trouble on their way to visit Rat’s family.  The panels are engaging, with bright colors popping against the mostly neutral background of the winter scenery.  Gnome and Rat’s exaggerated facial expressions add to the graphic novel’s humor. This fun graphic novel would be ideal for any library serving early elementary students.

Reviewed by Lindsay Varnum, Orono Public Library


Meesh the Bad Demon: The Secret of the Fang

Meesh the Bad Demon: The Secret of the FangMeesh the Bad Demon #2: The Secret of the Fang: (A Graphic Novel) by Michelle Lam
Series: Meesh the Bad Demon #2
Published by Random House Graphic on July 23, 2024
ISBN: 0593372913
Pages: 295
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Graphic Novel
Source: MSL Book Review

The second book in the Meesh the Bad Demon series starts with Chai, wolf friend of main characters Meesh and fairy princess Nouna. The forest is under attack from machines intent on clear-cutting, so Meesh has to get to bottom of the destruction. When she learns that it’s the same person who caused the poisoning of Mount Magma (in book 1), she is faced with a fight. This book focuses on friendship and redemption/forgiveness and pushes the message that with power comes responsibility. Meesh chooses to deal with the villain with kindness offering her a second chance. The book ends with a renewed hope that demons and fairies can live together and that there are enough resources for all. The anime-styled illustrations are clear and well drawn and the differentiation in palettes between the demon world and the fairy worlds make the action easy to follow. This will be an enjoyable duology for readers in upper elementary and middle school.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Falmouth Elementary School


We Are Big Time

We Are Big TimeWe Are Big Time by Hena Khan, Safiya Zerrougui
ISBN: 0593430484
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Sports
Format: Graphic Novel

This middle-grade graphic novel features an all-girls Muslim basketball team in Wisconsin who learn what it means to be part of a team. Aliya is the new girl and has to figure out how to fit in at school, on the team, and in her family. Readers will relate to Aliya’s challenges of being the new kid and dealing with her family’s pressure to prioritize grades over sports. The descriptions of attending an all-Muslim school and the pressures the team faces over their wearing of hijabs and conservative clothing are portrayed realistically. When the team starts winning, the “gotcha” journalist try to trip up Aliya and her teammates but they quickly learn how to gracefully field questions from the public, especially those questions about how they dress. This book is a great companion volume to Hoops by Matt Tavares.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Mapmakers and the Flickering Fortress

Mapmakers and the Flickering FortressMapmakers and the Flickering Fortress: (A Graphic Novel) by Amanda Castillo, Cameron Chittock
ISBN: 0593172957
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Graphic Novel

Third and final book in the Mapmakers graphic novel trilogy finds Alidade and her Memri, Blue, trying to find other mapmakers while her friends set out on their own in other directions across the Plains. They learn that the Night Coats have been trying to claim all the land by altering maps. Fans of the previous books will be clamoring for this one. The art is top-notch and the muted color palette works well with the story. With themes of community and nature, readers will cheer from Alidade and her friends to prevail. A satisfying conclusion to the series.

Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham


Katie the Catsitter 4: The Purrfect Plan

Katie the Catsitter 4: The Purrfect PlanThe Purrfect Plan (Katie the Catsitter #4) by Colleen A.F. Venable, Stephanie Yue
on October 8, 2024
ISBN: 0593570405
Genres: Adventure, Animals, Humor
Format: Graphic Novel

In the fourth installment of this popular graphic novel series, Katie the Catsitter and her superhero neighbor continue to tackle some of New York City’s biggest issues. As always, there is a focus on animal rights, but The Purrfect Plan focuses mostly on corporate greed through gentrification. These topics are handled appropriately for the target audience, but the way they choose to combat them (breaking & entering, large scale protest, and stock market manipulation) don’t offer any tangible solutions to readers who may be facing these real world issues.

Overall, The Purrfect Plan is a bridge novel where many side plots from the previous stories (friendship dynamics, the relationships of the adult characters, various other heroes and villains) are brought up and put back down without resolution. With many heavy topics being discussed, there was a need for more comic relief from the 217 cats, but the colorful characters and their quippy dialog did add a nice balance. Readers who love the other graphic novels in the series will be eager to read this one, so it is worth adding to the collection, but it will most likely just make them excited for the next one.

Reviewed by Ivy Burns, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Blood City Rollers

Blood City RollersBlood City Rollers by Tatiana Hill, V.P. Anderson
on April 9, 2024
ISBN: 0593485696
Genres: Supernatural
Format: Graphic Novel
Source: MSL Book Review

“Blood City Rollers” is a middle grade graphic novel written by V.P. Anderson and illustrated by Tatiana Hill. Mina is a middle schooler who injures herself badly in figure skating and makes a deal with vampire roller derby team to play for them as their jammer in exchange for healing of her injury. Mina learns to accept what she wants to do and makes new friends along the way. At times it felt like there were a few too many subplots going on, but the dialogue is humorous and the illustrations are bright and colorful. A recommended purchase for middle grade graphic novel collections.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Turning Twelve

Turning TwelveTurning Twelve by Kathryn Ormsbee, Molly Brooks
on October 29, 2024
ISBN: 0593650069
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel, Middle Grade Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

“Turning Twelve” is a middle grade graphic novel written by Kathryn Ormsbee and illustrated by Molly Brooks. This is a sequel to their graphic novel, “Growing Pangs.” Katie is heading into seventh grade and her best friends are temporarily moving away to help with an ill family member and could be gone for months! How will she deal with seventh grade without them? We follow Katie as she makes a new friend in theatre and then begins to wonder if she has a crush on a girl? Set in the early 2000s, Katie tries to cope with her potential crush, the thoughts of her church, youth group, and just being 12. We follow Katie as she tries to accept herself amongst all the expectations and pressures of seventh grade. Katie wrestling with her internal thoughts and figuring out who she is will likely resonate with middle school readers. A must-buy for middle grade graphic novel collections.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.



Pizza and Taco: Best Christmas Ever!

Pizza and Taco: Best Christmas Ever!Best Christmas Ever! (Pizza and Taco #8) by Stephen Shaskan
Series: Pizza and Taco #8
Published by Random House on 10/01/24
ISBN: 0593703499
Genres: Humor
Format: Graphic Novel
Source: MSL Book Review

Young readers will enjoy this installment of the popular Pizza and Taco series.  In this graphic novel, Pizza and Taco are preparing for Christmas.  They carefully make lists of all the toys they want.  They also try to out-do one another in being nice because they know Santa Slaw is watching.  On Christmas morning, they are initially disappointed because they didn’t receive everything they asked for, but then they realize that the best present is their friendship.  This book is ideal for any library that serves newer readers in Kindergarten or 1st grade.  Most of the pictures are simple yet humorous, especially the facial expressions,  and there isn’t much text on each page.  Libraries that already have books in this series should consider adding this graphic novel to their collection.

Reviewed by Lindsay Varnum, Orono Public Library
