Flight For Freedom: The Wetzel Family’s Daring Escape from East Germany

Flight For Freedom: The Wetzel Family’s Daring Escape from East GermanyFlight for Freedom: The Wetzel Family’s Daring Escape from East Germany by Kristen Fulton, Torben Kuhlmann
ISBN: 1452149607
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Quick. Make a list of all the ways someone might escape from East Germany during the Cold War… 

Did you have ‘balloon flight’ on your list? I didn’t either, until I read this incredible account of not only one, but two families who made their escape in a home-made hot-air balloon!

This event is made accessible to middle elementary readers as historical fiction with clear but informative sentences and limited text on each page. The reader is introduced to young Peter Wetzel and how he lives with the differences between life in the East and West. The events leading up to the final escape attempt and the escape are told through Peter’s eyes. Upper elementary readers would find this an easy to understand account of a dramatic true event.

Realistic photos, some double-pages spreads and some single, with dark, shadowed tones appropriate to the confinement and night time escape. A map of their route from East Germany to West appears on the end pages. Back matter includes information on how their balloon was made and functioned, author notes, photos of the actual balloon and landing site sign, and the Cold War and the Berlin Wall. 

Highly recommended for all post-WWII collections and historical fiction shelves. This could be used with middle to upper elementary readers as an introduction to the Cold War, personal narrative writing lessons, or historical fiction examples.

Reviewed by Lynn Mayer, Retired Librarian, Old Town Elementary School, Old Town


What do you do if you work at the zoo?

What do you do if you work at the zoo?What Do You Do If You Work at the Zoo? by Robin Page, Steve Jenkins
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on April 28, 2020
ISBN: 0544387597
Pages: 40
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

This is a great early nonfiction book that can serve many purposes. It could be a great dual reader as there are simple sentences followed by more detailed paragraphs. It could be a great launching point for more research into life as a zookeeper. It also introduces readers to animals they may otherwise not know, and it gives them a little information about something that makes them unique. The paper collage style illustrations will keep kids’ attention and help to bring the animals to life. The back pages include more information about zoo controversy (captivity vs. education), the role of zookeepers, even more info about the animals in the book, and a resource list. A recommended purchase for public libraries. Recommended for readers 4 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Becoming a Good Creature

Becoming a Good CreatureBecoming a Good Creature by Rebecca Green, Sy Montgomery
on October 6, 2020
ISBN: 0358252105
Genres: Animals, Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Based on the New York Times best-selling memoir, How to Be a Good Creature, this picture book will delight young naturalists and animal lovers of all ages. The first line of the book really sets the tone, “School is not the only place to find a teacher.” It then goes on through the author’s life and the various teachers she’s had: a dog, emus, apes, lions, sharks, and more.

This book exposes kids to many amazing creatures in the world, but it fails to take reality into account for many kids. The author has obviously been very privileged throughout her life with the ability to travel and explore in this way. She’s also clearly been lucky in her animal encounters, both in her ability to see things and also her ability to stay safe while doing so. That being said, this book will spark curiosity and a drive to explore in many children. The illustrations are very colorful and beautifully depict the animals described. Recommended for readers 3 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


The Spirit of Springer

The Spirit of SpringerThe Spirit of Springer: The Real-Life Rescue of an Orphaned Orca by Amanda Abler, Levi Hastings
Published by Little Bigfoot on February 4, 2020
ISBN: 1632172127
Pages: 48
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

The Spirit of Springer might be exactly what I needed today. It’s a gentle and interesting reminder that there are good people everywhere, people that have dedicated their lives to helping others, human or otherwise.

When orphaned, two-year-old orca Springer is found 300 miles from her home it’s up to scientists to reunite her with her pod. It’s not easy; Springer is malnourished and lonely and is more interested in befriending boats than eating. Through perseverance they rebuild her strength and take her back to where she can find her family.

Straightforward and nicely illustrated, The Spirit of Springer would be great for reading aloud to a classroom learning about orcas, animal rehabilitation, or kindness. Or for a classroom (or family) just looking for an enjoyable book to read.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath


Slow Down: 50 Mindful Moments in Nature.

Slow Down: 50 Mindful Moments in Nature.Slow Down: 50 Mindful Moments in Nature by Freya Hartas, Rachel Williams
Published by Harry N. Abrams on September 1, 2020
ISBN: 1419748386
Pages: 128
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
This volume invites the reader to “slow down” and enjoy 50 nature moments- each told like a story. Some take place over a period of time – a butterfly from a chrysalis, mama bird and her growing new babies, and some shorter – formation of a rainbow or cloud, or a bat catching dinner. Each story consists of a simple act of nature we might miss is our haste.

Each snippet of nature is presented on a double page spread and is rendered in pen and ink and is accurate, detailed with a clear general text and small more detailed text around the illustrations.    The  author presents these simple workings of nature in hopes that  the reader will go out and experience some of the ones found in the book and finding new ones to experience. It invites the reader to take a breath, listen, look, and feel the nature all around you.  There are additional pages suggesting further reading and a selected bibliography in the back of the book.

Use this  with environmental and nature  units, art units and discussions on what we see, hear and see each day.                                                                                                                                                              Gr K-4                        Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray Maine            (  cream)


The Curious Story of Edward Gorey

The Curious Story of Edward GoreyNonsense! The Curious Story of Edward Gorey by Chloe Bristol, Lori Mortensen
Published by Versify on March 24, 2020
ISBN: 0358033683
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
“The Curious Story of Edward Gorey,” is a lovely picture book biography about the life of a most creative writer and artist!  Edward Gorey was born in Chicago in 1925 and as a child loved to scribble and sketch. He went to Harvard where Edward followed his own rules  “so different from the campus crowds that passed him by in stuffy white shirts and ties.” Moving to NYC in in 1953 he worked in the art department of a big publisher. Tiring of working on other people’s stories , he began to write his own  some of which had “odd and unfortunate endings.” In Edward’s stories, anything might happen!  HIs  his work was continually rejected by publishers so he launched his own publishing company Fantod Press .  Edward believed people should use their imaginations to figure out his stories. He particularly enjoyed making anagrams of his own name: such as,  Odgred Weary, Dreary Wodge, and Wee Graddory.  It would be the “height of folly” to take his work seriously, said Edward.  It was just Edward being Edward, with a hatful of nonsense thrown in.  The story is written from Edward’s point of view.

The illustrations in this book by Chloe Bristol compliment the story well. She uses pen and ink drawings and they nicely reflect  a feeling of the time period in which Edward lived. .

A great resource to use when studying “interesting and creative ” people or when doing a unit on biographies.  Also good for  encouraging  children to pursue their own dreams and  to be  proud of who they are!  Indeed Edward Gorey was an interesting man who enjoyed making “Nonsense.”


Reviewed by Connie M. Smith, Breakwater School, Portland, ME


If You Take Away the Otter

If You Take Away the OtterIf You Take Away the Otter by Matthew Trueman, Susannah Buhrman-Deever
ISBN: 0763689343
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
This book is a gorgeous exploration of what really happened in the Pacific Northwest following the over hunting of sea otters. From the loss of the otters, to the expansion of sea urchins, to the eventual decline of the kelp forests, this book walks readers through the devastating effects of removing a keystone species.

The text is easy to follow and is accompanied by some well researched asides with further scientific information. The back pages have even more information about the ecosystem as well as lists of resources (both print and web-based) for readers to explore more. The illustrations are high color, and gorgeous. They really bring the ocean scenes to life. I especially enjoyed the highlight of the sea urchin’s five, self-sharpening teeth. Recommended for readers 4 and up but would be enjoyed by even older kids who are ocean science enthusiasts.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle, How Animals Get Ready for Winter

Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle, How Animals Get Ready for WinterSnack, Snooze, Skedaddle by Claudine Gévry, Laura Purdie Salas
Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) on September 3, 2019
ISBN: 1541529006
Pages: 32
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
This charming non-fiction book includes information about the ruby-throated hummingbird, blue whale, earthworm, chipmunk, northern wood frog, bear, moose, red fox, human, mouse, garter snake, and monarch butterfly. The rhyming text makes this a delightful read aloud for younger children. The colorful illustrations enhance the text. Each animal is depicted in a two-page spread. In addition to the rhyming text is a sentence or two in smaller type with more information about each animal. At the end of the book is a section for older readers about survival strategies such as migration, hibernation, and toleration. This information could be used for reports. A glossary is included. I highly recommend this for ages 5-9.                                              Kris Zuidema,  retired school librarian, Standish.


Honey, the Dog Who Saved Abe Lincoln

Honey, the Dog Who Saved Abe LincolnHoney, the Dog Who Saved Abe Lincoln by Chuck Groenink, Shari Swanson
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on January 14, 2020
ISBN: 0062699008
Pages: 40
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
This beautifully written picture book biography is about young Abe Lincoln living in Knob Creek, Kentucky. One day he rescues and cares for a honey colored dog with a broken leg. Soon Honey and Abe go everywhere together whether it’s dropping off grain at the mill or going out on adventures. One day Abe ends up trapped between two boulders in a cave. Honey returns to Abe’s mother and leads the town folk to Abe. The soft and colorful illustrations enhance the well written text. The story is a wonderful read aloud. Not only will is appeal to animal lovers, but also to those who enjoy a well told story that happens to be about one of our most famous presidents. There is a fascinating timeline entitled Abraham Lincoln and His Animal Encounters. The timeline includes his childhood in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and continues to his years as the president depicting his lifelong compassion for animals The author’s note explains how this story came to be known. There is also an illustrated map around Hodgen’s Mills where the story takes place. This is the author’s debut picture book.                                                                                          I highly recommend this for children ages 4-9.

Kris Zuidema,  retired school librarian, Standish.


The Boreal Forest

The Boreal ForestThe Boreal Forest: A Year in the World's Largest Land Biome by Josée Bisaillon, L.E. Carmichael
ISBN: 152530044X
Genres: Animals, Non-Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
I really liked this book. It takes you through a year in the boreal forest — the world’s largest land biome. The book is broken into the four seasons, and each section has information about plants and animals found in different countries within the boreal forest. The illustrations are striking and really bring the animals to life. After all four seasons are explored, there are several pages with further scientific information: the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and information about the effects of climate change on the boreal forest. There is also a glossary as well as resources for further reading and study. Recommended for 3rd grade and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME
