on January 1st 1970
ISBN: 1635920116
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

This is an Easy Reader and part of a series by Kane Press focused on the maker movement called “Makers Make it Work”. Greta and her mom have built a robot named Water-bot that waters their plants when activated through a cell phone. When they are invited to their friend’s snowy cabin for an overnight, they can only go if they can figure out how to program Water-bot to feed their new kitty. Using paper and pencil and trying different ideas, Greta and her friend Bruce work through different scenarios until they are successful. When Greta goes on her trip, the suspense of wondering where the kitty is hiding will keep the reader engaged. The bright illustrations clearly show the problem solving being done and the different technology used in the story. The amount of text and smaller font makes this science- themed reader most appropriate for grades 1-3. The last page provides encouragement to further explore the technology in the story and find more problems to solve.
Reviewed by Sheila Dube, Springvale Public Library