Published by Kids Can Press on September 4th 2018
ISBN: 1771389915
Pages: 32

In this wordless picture book, a grade school aged girl, assumed to be named Rosie based on the title of the book, wakes up late, gets ready for school, sits through dreary classes and walks with her father who is on the cell phone through the park. All of the illustrations are in black, white and greys conveying a sad Rosie with a grey rain cloud above her hear and irritating situations in a busy street where buildings bend low and dark clouds. When Rosie notices a butterfly in bright colors and follows it to a pair of glasses, she puts them on and everything appears in bright colors and the irritations and sadness displayed in all the background illustrations are resolved. Her new daily routine is still loud and busy, but in color and everyone on the busy street is smiling, giving, and sharing.
When Rosie accidentally drops the glasses in the river, it takes her happy dog to draw her back into the colorful/positive world, leaving the glasses for the next sad child to find. This picture book provides an illustrated way of describing either depression or point of view. It is left up to those sharing the reading experience to distinguish it’s use.
Reviewed by Sheila Dube, Springvale Public Library