Published by Andersen Press on July 6, 2023
ISBN: 1839133139
Pages: 336
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Middle Grade Fiction

During WWII, the brave leaders at the Grand Mosque of Paris protected Jewish people with forged religious documents and risked their lives transporting over a thousand Jewish people to safety using catacombs under the mosque. Though there are countless options when it comes to stories about this time period, this history has been largely forgotten and Hiba Noor Khan is hoping to change that with her debut novel, Safiyyah’s War.
Safiyyah is an adventurous, spirited, and thoughtful young Muslim girl living above the mosque when Nazis invade Paris. It is clear throughout the novel that war is not a children’s game, but without many options Safiyyah’s family cautiously allows her to aid the Resistance movement. Khan’s prose is often poetic, but doesn’t shy away from intensely emotional moments. Families are separated, people are hungry, and Safiyyah herself survives the initial bombing of Paris. Despite the horrific circumstances, Safiyyah never stops fighting and side plots about kittens, plants, libraries, and religion offer respite for the characters and readers. This story’s honest depiction of children traumatized by war and the realities of life under occupation may be difficult for sensitive readers, but the overall message of perseverance, bravery, love, and hope will resonate with readers drawn to strong female leads and novels about war.
Safiyyah’s War has the perfect combination of forgotten history, dynamic characters, and beautiful prose that make it a fresh classic in an oversaturated genre. Nominated for Cream of the Crop.
Reviewed by Ivy Burns, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth