Published by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) on June 25, 2019
ISBN: 1627791302
Pages: 40
Genres: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Samuel Morse is most often associated as being the inventor of the Morse code. However, this biography shares with us how much more he accomplished. His first forays into inventing were failures, so he turned to his other love: art. During his time in Europe, he noticed the telegraph system in France and spent his return voyage sketching out his own telegraph system. Early versions were not successful, but he finally got a working device. Not only did he invent the code, but he created the means for it to be used as a communication tool. This book is a very approachable tale of this story, which makes connections to current day. Back matter includes a timeline of Morse’s life, additional facts, a bibliography, and an author’s note. Recommended for ages 5-8.
Reviewed by Kara Reiman, Maine State Library