Rudi is nine years old and growing up Jewish in Nazi Germany. School life as he knows is changing right before his eyes. The Nazi boys are bullying Jewish kids and no one is stopping them. Their teacher is replaced by a Nazi and now Rudi just stays home with his parents and an older sister who wants to become a nurse. His only joy is his dachshund. His parents tell him he is going to take the Kindertransport to England. He thinks Hanno won’t be able to go. But at the last minute, someone volunteers to take Hanno to England. He lives with a nice childless couple, and after six months of quarantine, he gets Hannon back. Then the war comes to England and families decide the best way to be humane to their pets is to have them put to sleep before the food runs out. Rudi overhears his host family discussing the plan. Rudi hides Hanno … The author tells more information about the story that this story was based.
Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick GNGMS Gray Good for middles school and up.