Published by Roaring Brook Press on February 19th 2019
ISBN: 1250155320
Pages: 40

This biography is wonderful for all ages. It’s the story of a very smart woman in the times when most women weren’t educated. Emily married an engineer, Washington Roebling, who was as bright as she was. John J. Roebling was Emily’s father-in-law. He built bridges for a living. He heard about new technology in Europe. He sent his son who brought along his wife.
They learned about Caisson breaks. It’s like a room built at the bottom of the river. Men can work, dig out the river bed, then they can fill the tube/room with, cement. Only it made a lot of people very sick including Washington. Emily stepped up and took over the job for her husband.
The illustrations are very easy to understand.
Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle School, Gray