Series: Just Roll With It #2
Published by Random House Graphic on June 4, 2024
ISBN: 0593125517
Pages: 314
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel

In this cleverly illustrated graphic novel, Ty is recovering from a broken arm just as summer starts. He feels bad about missing the entire swim season and as captain of the team, he worries that he let his friends down. He especially feels bad about how he ghosted his teammate and best friend Max. Ty doesn’t simply feel bad – he is struggling mightily with depression, anxiety, body image issues, and dysregulated eating. He’s especially anxious about summer camp where he will be bunking with Max. Tensions are high between Max, Max’s twin sister Heather, and Ty and build to a climax during their boat-building activity. Between a caring camp counselor, new friends, and the long history of friendship between Ty and Max, things work out in the end. Heather is able to tell her brother and Ty about her girlfriend and Max and Ty acknowledge the romantic feelings they have for each other. After reading Louder Than Hunger by John Schu about a boy’s struggle with anorexia, I was hoping for a little back matter on eating disorders and depression or advice that Ty seek professional help. Nonetheless, this is an excellent story to use as a conversation starter with upper elementary and middle school students. This is the second book in the Just Roll With It series but it certainly stands alone. Graphic novel fans who love the wide-eyed expressions used in manga will love the characters’ faces when they are excited.
Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham