Published by Candlewick Press (MA) on October 8th 2019
ISBN: 1536205400
Pages: 32

Justin Anderson is a zoologist and filmmaker who spent months in India tracking and filming the very rare and very illusive Snow Leopard. He has offered his findings in this picture book for young zoologists. These cats live very high in the Himalayas where oxygen is half of what it is at sea level, they have the longest tail of all the cats, their eyes are blue at birth and turn green or gray as they age- all other cats have gold or yellow eyes , they are extremely well camouflaged, and they are in danger, with less than 4,000 in the wild. Anderson invites the reader along with him as he tracks this rarest of wild cats. Patrick Benson adds illustrations to this journey that are large, quiet and done in shades of browns. The author has included facts about the leopard at the bottom of each page , an authors note, an index, and websites to visit for more information. Add to collections on endangered species. This book is worth reading to readers who will one day be responsible for the fate of this beautiful and mysterious cat.
submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library
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