
SonglightSonglight (The Torch Trilogy, #1) by Moira Buffini
on September 3, 2024
ISBN: 0063358212
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review

Elsa lives each day with a life altering secret.  She possesses the power of songlight.  The ability to connect telepathically with others holding the gift.  Unfortunately, in the dictatorship of Brightland, those with the gift are ruled “Unhuman” and people are rewarded for turning in torches, those with songlight.  Once discovered, torches are marked for a procedure rendering them into a thoughtless state of servitude.  The only other person to know of Elsa’s secret is Rye, who shares the same gift and also a blossoming relationship.  

Everything falls apart when Rye is betrayed, sparking a chain of events in Elsa’s life that puts not only her life on a dangerous path, but the entire path of societal authority.  In her state of grief, Elsa cries out with her songlight only to “harmonize” with Nightingale, a girl hundreds of miles away.  Both girls benefit from the dangerous connection, but Nightingale also has a secret.  Her father is the head of a government group in charge of rooting out Unhumans, and he doesn’t know about his own daughter’s gifts.  

Buffini’s first book in what will be a trilogy introduces great notes of fantasy, dystopian society, star crossed lovers, danger at every corner, adventure, human rights, and so much more. There are diverse characters and multiple viewpoints.  The book does contain sexual assault, adult relationships, and is heavy on the cursing, making it more appropriate for a mature YA audience.   

Reviewed by Heidi Kopishke, Camden Hills Regional High School, Rockport, ME.
