on January 15th 2019
ISBN: 0374311250
Pages: 224

The twentieth-anniversary edition of this powerful, exquisitely-written novel is not a must-buy if you already have a copy, but if your original copy is wearing out and needs replacement, this is a lovely edition to add to any library. The cover is stunning with an image of a human-shaped tree with black tape over its mouth and there is added content like a new forward by Ashley Ford, a poem by Anderson, and an afterword by Jason Reynolds addressed to his Young Brother. All boys should read this book as should all girls who have been or who might know someone who has been put into a position of powerlessness as should all parents of adolescents who will struggle to navigate the pitfalls of sex and consent and the social dynamics of high school. Melinda, who called the cops at the first party of the year, is shunned by her classmates for her entire freshman year. She falls into silence turning to art to try to reclaim her voice. When Melinda is threatened again she finally finds the courage to speak. Highly recommend for all teen collections.
Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth