on February 15, 2022
ISBN: 1534455434
Pages: 296
Genres: Adventure
Format: Graphic Novel

This graphic novel, adapted by author Stuart Gibbs, is a mostly faithful rendering that adds some fun and should pull in new readers to the series. The artwork by Anjan Sarkar infuses the story with fantastic visuals of all of the precarious and potentially lethal situations faced by Ben Ripley as he navigates his new school, the CIA’s Academy of Espionage. Scenes that might have been amusing in the prose novel become laugh-out-loud funny in the GN: Ben tasering a key pad or wearing a unicorn robe after fending off a ninja assassin. Some of the plot points are revealed a little sooner in the GN than in the prose novel, and there are some plot points that are changed. All major characters are included. The panels on each page are clear and characters are discernible. Fans of the series will enjoy this graphic novel version and it might get new readers hooked on the entire series (there are 10 prose novels).
Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Falmouth Middle School