Published by HarperTeen on July 19, 2022
ISBN: 006305793X
Pages: 208
Genres: Short Stories
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Story Booth is a compilation of teen experiences, ranging from a sentence or two to several pages in length. The topics don’t seem to have any discernible theme or organization, with the exception that they are overwhelmingly negative.
Readers might be interested in reading the firsthand accounts of teenagers sharing experiences like their boyfriend committing suicide, having one’s nude photos posted online without consent, having a bad reaction to taking diet pills, and struggling with a range of mental health issues. This reviewer is a big supporter of providing readers with accurate information, along with autobiographical accounts, on mental health and other tough topics that affect teens. The biggest problem with this book is that there never seemed to be a positive side, or any type of suggestions regarding what to do when struggling. In the very back of the book, there is a short list of resource organizations that readers can reach out to, but the inclusion of this information felt very much like an afterthought.
This book is intended for high school students, but is not recommended as a worthwhile addition to library collections.
Reviewed by Kristi Favaloro, Skidompha Library