Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536217964
Genres: Animals, Humor, Non-Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel, Picture Book Nonfiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Superdads! Is a new non-fictional picture book by Heather Lang and Jamie Harper that uses comic-panel formatting and speech bubble humor to teach readers about the extraordinary work of “dads” or male caregivers in the natural world. It’s a sequel in the “Animal Heroes” series as a follow up to their first book, Supermoms!
The front flap reads, “In the animal world, Moms get most of the credit for raising young. But sometimes it’s the Dads who do most of the work.” What follows is page by page of different species of animals who rely on male caregivers to care for their young in different ways. For example: The Greater Rhea takes care of and protects his large brood of chicks without the help of a mother Rhea. Male gorillas snuggle and play with their infant babies, even with ones that aren’t their own.
There is extra back matter that gives more information about each animal and a list of additional resources. The amount of information is sparse, but it’s a fantastic book to introduce the diverse role of male caregivers in the natural world. This is a perfect non-fiction selection for patrons and students who love the combination of facts and humor. Recommended for ages 3-7.
Reviewed by Gia Charles, Patten Free Library, Bath