Published by Walker Books US on February 9, 2021
ISBN: 1536207624
Pages: 352
Genres: Biography/Autobiography, Non-Fiction
Format: Graphic Novel

In this graphic memoir, author Sylvie Kantorovitz recounts many aspects of her childhood in France. She was born in Morocco, and kids at her school tease her about this. She lives in an apartment at the end of a hallway of classrooms. She isn’t the kid her mom wants her to be, but her father is supportive (although quietly) of her eccentricities. Sylvie finds herself in art. This memoir is interesting albeit a bit directionless at times. Sylvie is delightfully awkward, quirky, and real. Kids will relate to her struggles and her conflicts with both friends and family. The art is simple and cartoonish but conveys Sylvie’s emotions well. Recommended for readers 3rd grade and up.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME