Series: Ballpark Mysteries #14
Published by Random House Books for Young Readers on February 6th 2018
ISBN: 1524767514
Pages: 112

Number 14 in the Ballpark Mysteries series hasn’t lost any of the power to invite a young reader into Kate and Mike’s world to try to solve the mystery with them. This book finds the cousins at Cardinals’ stadium in St. Louis with its Clydesdale horses and its storied baseball history. When a dog goes missing, the duo must act quickly to find the pup, considered lucky by the Birds’ number one hitter, in order to avoid ending a historical hitting streak. The books include baseball lingo, but Kelly does a nice job explaining each concept so any reader can follow along. At the heart of the story is a mystery and two observant and quick-thinking kids who work together to save the day – a solid entry in Kelly’s engaging, accessible series. Includes Dugout Notes at the end with additional information about the St. Louis Cardinals.
Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth