
This sweet picture book story is about a Christmas Tree who loves the tingling of her needles when a train roars, rumbles and zooms past. She lives in the corner of a tree farm and is perfecrly content . . . until, one day when she is uprooted and brought into the home of a young boy, set in the corner of the living room and deocorated for the holidays. Will she be happy there, away from the trains? But the little tree is delighted when the young boy recieves a small train for Christmas that runs around the base of her. But now, what will happen to the Christmas Tree when the holidays are over?
A great book to read to children before and during the holiday season. May spark a discussion about whethor or not trees and other living plants and creatures really do have feelings too!
Colorful illustrations that fit well with the text. Not so over powering that so that they distract a child from following the storyline. This book is different, clever, and very appealing to a child.
Connie M. Smith, Breakwater School LIbrary, Portland, ME