Published by Kids Can Press on October 3, 2023
ISBN: 1525306553
Pages: 160
Genres: Fiction in Verse/Poetry, Historical Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Based on the author’s life, this is the story of the Vietnamese “Boat People” escaping Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. It’s a short and compelling story. After Pho’s best friend and older brother were smuggled out by their families, it was Pho’s turn. His mother took him to his aunt’s house – an all-day bus trip – where he was taken by small boat to a larger boat. As if enduring seasickness, crowded conditions, and little food and water wasn’t enough, Pho’s boat was attacked by pirates on a daily – and sometimes more than daily – basis. He decided to hide on a pirate ship after one raid and helped the pirate fish until they passed him off to a fishing boat. Finally, after weeks at sea, he was rescued by a German rescue ship, the Cap Anamur, and eventually taken to a refugee camp in the Philippines. After writing to his family, he heard from his brother who had made it to Canada; eventually Pho was invited to move to Canada as well. I can’t help but wonder if this powerful story would reach a wider audience as a verse or graphic novel. I also was hoping for a longer historical note and photographs.
Reviewed by Karen Sandlin Silverman, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham