The Den That Octopus Built

The Den That Octopus BuiltThe Den That Octopus Built (Animal Habitats) by Anne Hunter, Randi Sonenshine
Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536226548
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

The Den That Octopus Built

Written by Randi Sonenshine, Illustrated by Anne Hunter

This non-fiction picture book, written for readers ages 4-8, is the latest in the series preceded by The Nest that Wren Built and The Lodge that Beaver Built and is written in a similar narrative format. The book follows the life cycle of an octopus from building her complex shelter with found materials, avoiding predation, hunting, and finally becoming a mother. The book contains many interesting facts about cephalopods; kids will be amazed to learn that octopuses have more brains than arms!  There is also a short glossary, making this a lovely introduction to non-fiction texts.

Reviewed by Lindsey Hopkins, Jay-Niles Library, Jay
