Published by Twenty-First Century Books (Tm) on January 1, 2019
ISBN: 1541528115
Pages: 128
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Twenty-First Century Books has published another outstanding resource for young adult research. In this case, Stephanie Sammartino McPherson, presents clear and informative information on the global refugee crisis. McPherson begins with a historical background of refugees, such as European Jews before and during WWII and Cuban immigrants to America in the late 1950s. Although two of the eight chapters do focus on the United States, the information provided does span the globe. Syria, Eritrea, and Burma are a few of the countries that are highlighted. The focus on personal stories brings the human aspect to this crisis in each region of the world. McPherson also tackles the intersection of climate change and the refugee crisis, provides counter-arguments to those who believe that refugees are a burden to a country’s economy, and highlights the humanitarian efforts and how average citizens can help. The textual information is enhanced by charts, maps, photographs with captions and organized with colored headings and subheadings. Source notes, glossary, selected bibliography, resources for further information, and an index included. This resource is recommended for grades 6 and up. It is accessible for middle school students and would provide an overall foundation for high school students as a beginning for research.
Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School