Published by Kids Can Press on October 2nd 2018
ISBN: 1525301403
Pages: 320

As indicated in the title, this is one of those sad books where the best friend dies and leaves behind a last request. Sasha Cade’s lymphoma was a lingering sickness that provided her time to accomplish things before she died. So along with her adoptive parents’ wealth, she has the time and the resources to create an elaborate scavenger hunt for her best friend, Raquel and her recently found biological brother, Elijah. Raquel and Elijah navigate the predictable the highs and lows of such a journey and readers who look to cry a little and laugh a little will find exactly what they need in this book. There pieces of John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars as well as Maureen Johnson’s Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes in Young’s story. And although everything seems to wrap up a little too conveniently at the end, younger readers might be satisfied and believe that this was exactly what Sasha intended all along. Recommended for grades 8 and up.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Andersen, Librarian, Westbrook High School