Published by Quill Tree Books on March 1, 2022
ISBN: 0062995537
Pages: 208
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Graphic Novel

Ethan Aldridge’s “The Legend of Brightblade” is a middle grade fantasy graphic novel. Prince Alto, the son of Lady Brightblade (a former hero and now queen), is tired of royal life and wants to be a bard and have adventures of his own. We follow him as he leaves the castle, makes other bard friends, and discovers that there is hidden trouble in the kingdom.
The art has strong lines and a watercolor feel to it, and definitely adds to the fantasy nature of the book. Brighter than Aldrige’s “Estranged” series, the art makes the book a bit lighter and more humorous and supports the theme of forging your own path. Alto has a lot of character development and the plot flows easily, though some problems are solved a little too quickly. Recommended for ages 8 – 12, this book is a worthwhile purchase wherever middle grade graphic novels are popular.
Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.