Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) on January 1st 2018
ISBN: 1512452505
Pages: 56

There is so much to say about this book. Whether you are a seasoned scientist with a passion for monarch butterflies or a novice with a curiosity about this recognized summer visitor, this is the book every reader. It is full of information about one of the most widely recognized insects we know. It has a 3000 mile journey it makes in September from the eastern United States and Canada to Mexico. It is one of the world’s great migrations. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that scientists knew where in Mexico the monarchs wintered. The information is fascinating and will make all who read this selection life long conservationists. The general belief that if the butterflies are in trouble, the entire insect population is in trouble. Author Hirsch makes the case for the monarch, both how crucial it is to our environment and how the everyday person of any age can help or hinder its very existence. Use in curriculums on the environment and insects. It is a must for all libraries.
grades 2-6
submitted by Kathy George
Gray Public Library