Published by Kids Can Press on September 4th 2018
ISBN: 177138655X
Pages: 32

The readership for this picture book is probably k-2 since the setting is the school. Rory has not been able to choose a club to belong to in his new school because he is not interested in glee club, ballet, knitting, karate, theater and/or cooking. His parents suggest that he start his own. He is interested in reptiles and proceeds to advertise his new club in the school with posters. The day of his new club meeting no one comes to his club. Just as Rory is ready to give up, there is a knock on the classroom door. In walk a crocodile, an anaconda and a gecko who each share a quick fun fact about themselves and want to join the club. As the other students return, they show an interest in joining, too. As the school year progresses, the club does all kinds of activities, in and out of school, “never in the history of the world had mammals and reptiles gotten along so well.” When it comes time for the reptiles to go hibernate the club realizes that they need to change topics. Dinosaurs anyone?
Reviewed by Sheila Dube, Springvale Public Library, Springvale