Published by Heartdrum on January 5, 2021
ISBN: 0062872044
Pages: 250
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Maisie Cannon loves ballet — it’s what she loves doing most. When a knee injury stops her dancing, she feels hopeless and lost. She’s not at all looking forward to her family’s winter road trip up the coast near the Makah community where her mother grew up. She loves learning about her Native history, but she’s struggling to keep a strong face on when inside she’s full of turmoil and anxiety. A potential reinjury of her knee while hiking on their trip sets her over the edge, and all her emotions come spilling out. She reconnects with her family, and finds some wonderful coping strategies to help her through this difficult time.
This is a beautiful book about family, depression, anxiety, and finding oneself when what that looks like seems to be changing. Maisie has many of the same struggles that middle schoolers have, and kids will relate to that. The story is well written, engaging, and easy to follow and includes some education about Indigenous Cultures as well. Recommended for readers 4th grade and up and for Cream of the Crop.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME