Tim Wynne-Jones took so long to write his sequel that his original character from The Maestro written in 1995 is now the dad. This was a great psychological thriller. Nate wants to go back up to camp where his best friend, best friend’s dad, and little brother have drowned in the frozen lake. Nate lies to his parents and tells them he is going to take the train, get dropped off along the tracks, hike in the few miles with a friend. There is no friend. When he arrives at the campsite on the deserted winter lake, he finds that someone has broken into the family camp. He goes to his friend’s camp to try to figure out who broke into his camp. He realizes it’s the criminal who broke out of prison a few days before. One is a killer, one is a follower, and one is the grandfather that he has never met. Things keep getting worse. Hard to put this one down. High school and older will enjoy this book. Many pieces are based on a true story.
Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick teacher GNG Middle School Gray.