Published by Katherine Tegen Books on September 17th 2019
ISBN: 0062655000
Pages: 320

The Survival List
Sloane is still alive, but her sister Talley is dead by suicide. The guilt Sloane feels is almost unbearable, since on Talley’s last day of life she had begged Sloane to stay home from school with her, but Sloane had left because she had a test and orchestra practice and her best friend’s boyfriend had just broken up with her. Talley had been depressed at home for weeks, not leaving her bed or showering. But neither Sloane nor her father had realized how bad things had become. After Talley’s death Sloane finds a note in Talley’s jeans pocket with a seemingly unrelated list of words. Sloane knew how Talley had loved puzzles so she begins to follow the clues, traveling to California from Minnesota, reconnecting with an aunt she hadn’t seen in years, meeting Adam who joined in her search on a trip to the Big Sur area, and finally finding out the truth of her mother’s death, also by suicide.
This book gives a realistic picture of depression and the guilt of those relatives and friends who are left behind after a suicide. The descriptions of California were awesome, and the closeness of Sloane and her best friend Juno was great to see. This book was hard to put down as Sloane discovers how the pieces of the puzzle fit together in Talley’s last gift to her. This book is recommended for grades 9-12 and for the Cream of the Crop list.
Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland