Published by Random House Books for Young Readers ISBN: 0593120434
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

This is a paperback version and the second installment in the new narrative non-fiction series by Kate Messner and illustrated by Matt Aytch Taylor called History Smashers. They are suggested for 3-6 graders. Messner breaks down the rumors and the facts, as scientists and historians have accumulated over the last –years since the Titanic sank. Using a mix of narrative, lists, historical photographs with captions and graphic novel inserts, Messner will keep readers engaged and challenge Titanic enthusiasts to look beyond the rumors and film created drama to investigate the tragedy from a historical lens. Real newspaper articles are evaluated by Messner providing the reader with examples of how to critically think through headlines. Quotes from eye witnesses are shown to be different and the boat building industry is placed securely in a larger historical context to illustrated how rumors were easily believed. Messner identifies how some of the survivor’s lives were influenced by unfair reporter accounts of the sinking. Back material include a timeline, suggested books and online resources, bibliography, image credits and an index.
Reviewed by Sheila Dube, Youth Services, Springvale Public Library