Published by Candlewick ISBN: 1536229997
Genres: Fairy Tale
Format: Chapter Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Upon his father’s death, Prince Lir’s evil-villain of a step-brother Delbayne neatly tricks him into undertaking a dangerous quest, sure that Prince Lir will perish in the process, and the kingdom will be his. The studious and caring young prince has been tasked with – he believes – saving a hapless maiden from a fearsome dragon. In truth, Delbayne has sent the maiden to the dragon’s island as bait, and magicked the dragon into compliance.
But things do not go as planned – the maiden is no helpless girl, nor is she discontented with her lot on the dragon’s island. And the dragon, while truly fearsome, has resisted full enchantment by Delbayne. Prince Lir invokes his right, as a Questor, to perform three tasks for the dragon to win the maiden, rather than fighting to the death, and the dragon, intrigued, agrees.
The three tasks are done; the dragon is pleased; Lir and the girl, Cethlenn, have become friends. Delbayne hears that his plan has failed and launches a second attack, which is foiled by the three allies, at considerable cost. But all does not end there; dark years pass before the poignant and beautiful ending of this tale.
A gorgeously illustrated, wholly original fairy tale with a subtle but pleasing feminist slant. Language and storyline are middle grade; this book might need some hand selling due to it presenting like a (very thick) picture book at first, but the author’s fame will help to promote it.
Highly recommend. 5 stars, cream.
Reviewed by: Jenny Martinez Nocito, Maine State Library, Augusta