Published by Feiwel & Friends on December 4th 2018
ISBN: 1250308038
Pages: 432
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

Donald Trump was born into a family that had achieved substantial wealth and was sent to a military school at the age of 13, where he was an accomplished athlete and in good academic standing as a student. Trump joined his father in the real estate business and eventually branched off on his own, becoming the business man and celebrity that today we now call Mr. President.
Interesting information on his family history — the reasons his grandfather left Germany, his romances and lives with his three wives along with his children’s involvement and more. Martha Brockenbrough had always found Donald Trump’s “common-sense business advice appealing.” in his earlier years, but when she heard him stating the President Obama’s birthplace was in Kenya even though is was a proven fact that that was not the case, she started rethinking that appeal.
Recommended for Grades 10 to adult who find politics and their stories interesting.
Reviewed by Kristin Taylor, Biddeford High School, Biddeford