on July 23rd 2019
ISBN: 0374307385
Pages: 32

Susan Verde has perfectly captured the energy of that child that cannot sit still, the one in perpetual motion. And rather than showing everyone around that child with exhausted faces and hands thrown up in the air, the book shows how this energy can be used for good and celebrated and lived with (the parents calmly eating dinner while their little embodies sound and motion is priceless). Kids who are high energy will love the normalizing of this state of exuberance and parents of this/these kid(s) will nod their heads in recognition and understanding of what it is like to live with a small human who is bouncier than a rubber ball, faster than a speeding train, and louder than a marching band. Joyner’s illustrations focus on one boy but locate him within a diverse community of children and adults who seem happy to have his zest for life in their lives. This book would make a wonderful read-aloud and the cover, with the boy, arms outstretched to embrace the world in all of his vigor and joy, invites the reader to open the book and meet him. Highly recommend.
Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth