Published by Walter Foster Jr. -- Quarto Library on 2019
ISBN: 9781600588006
Pages: 32
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

One of the books in the “Wacky Things” series. This book describes some wacky inventions that seem too crazy to be true but are. The entries were entertaining and laugh-out-loud funny, at times, such as an alarm clock bed that tips the sleeper onto the floor to wake him up. In addition to the brief description of the invention, there is also a short vignette of a historical nature. I learned through research for reviews that this seems to be an updated edition of 50 Wacky Inventions Throughout History, which is actually a spinoff of Inventions That Could Have Changed the World but Didn’t (2015) all by the same author.
Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library, Liberty